10 a.m
Damn hoe that bathing suit bad, Queen said as I walked out to the patio where the pool and ocean met at .
Thank you bitch I cooed back as I turned to show off the back.
Ryan let you wear that out here with no cover up? Christie, TJ's girl said .
Umm yeah, I laughed as she looked at me .

The bathing suit was bad, like bitch my body looked delicious in it but that's what I wanted, I wanted him to see how fine I was, nigga you got this pussy this morning because she love your hoe ass but nigga ain't shit change, you a hoe still .

When I left the room he wasn't in there, I really ain't know where he was and I didn't care.
I'm hungry I said as I looked at Renee walking out with her two piece and some shorts.

Hey babe I cooed hugging her, you look pretty I said looking at her. Thank you sexy , you look good to she said as the twins walked out with their booty shorts and bathing suits 🩱 on.
Kissing them you could tell Christie felt uncomfortable.

15 mins later
I'm eating grapes and drinking mimosas.
Looking to see all the guys walking out with roses 🌹, the awww went off but I wasn't feeling it.

I wasn't gonna embarrass him or nothing but it didn't mean nothing .
Kissing my cheek, he had marks all over him from me biting him and sucking on him when he would take the pussy.

I love you, he said as all the other dudes greeted their women.
Just looking at him I didn't reply.

Nodding his head he knew I wasn't gonna say it back because I was hurt, like nigga 10 bitches??

Don't do him like that Queen said as he just walked off .

2 hours later
Him and the other guys had everything planned. We are at bunch now in the dining room area of the house . I put on  his T-shirt because it was cold in side the house.
Fixing my food, he did that all the time so it was normal. Thank you I said as he just looked at me.

Eating the eggs, grits, red fish and biscuits he gave me I could feel the attitude but nigga , you need to chill, I gave you some pussy this morning so you should be happy.

Queen POV
What's wrong with you? I asked Ryan as he sat by himself.
We been shopping and swimming and now it's time for dinner so everyone was meeting on the patio for dinner. They had it cater and all , so I don't know why he's upset.

My sister hasn't came down yet so I don't know what happened in the room.

Not saying nothing he just looked at the water.

Let me go see what the fuck happened I said as he just ignored me.

Kay?? I said as I knocked on the door of their room.
Kaysee?? I said turning the knob.

Babe what's wrong? I cooed as she sat on the floor crying .

I'm ready to go home, this nigga got divorce papers in his suitcase like I did something wrong, he want out so bad , this time he can have it, she said tossing the signed paperwork on the floor in front of her.

You sleep with 10 bitches and come jump on me because you fucked up.
Let me had of fucked one nigga he would of killed them, like he almost did Josh, he want out, he can have it , I'm finish, she cried as she looked at me.

No baby, come on sis, I think he just brought them just in case the trip didn't go right, I said trying to reason with her but I don't know why he brought them for real ,that was stupid.

Come let's go eat, all you been saying was how hungry you are, don't let this mess up your trip I said as I helped her up.

Helping her get ready she put on a white sleeveless dress that came to her mid thigh . The bitch fit so nicely , helping her put on her heels, she looked good, shit we looked good, I had on a turquoise body con dress 👗 that had no back and my turquoise and pink Steve Maddens. Bitch my plaits was up in a bun .
Everyone was curious about Jose and I but we was fine, I just loved how he did me and he loved how I did him so we did each other with nothing but pussy and dick attach and we are just having fun 😜

Going downstairs with her, Ryan played with his hands as he looked at her.
He looked sorry as fuck but then crazy at the same time , he was a maniac.

Walking towards her he looked like he wanted to choke her .
Grabbing her face he kissed her , stop playing with me, he whispered as I just walked off.

Not trying to get in their shit I didn't

Stop no stop, I hear from behind me, looking at Kaysee and Ryan he is making her go outside with him but she's telling him no. Still not trying to get into it .

What's going on? Quentin asked as I sat next to Jose.
Their crazy, I replied .

Hearing Ryan yell, made us all jump up.

Man chill bruh , Jose said as Ryan choke my sister.
The fuck wrong with you, I said as all of us pushed him off of her but her face was leaking.

Taking off her shoe , she tried to get to him but we had her and the men had him.

Stupid bitch, you want the divorce bitch divorce me, you punk ass bitch, she yelled throwing her rings at him.

Fuck ass bitch, she yelled walking in the house.

Looking at Ryan I don't know what the fuck he thought, why bring the paperwork? Why do that?

Walking in with Kaysee she cleaned her face as we watched her.
You good? Renee cried as she looked at Kay's face. He made her nose bleed and it was all over her dress.

9 p.m
I'm fine Kay said after getting clean up. She sat outside alone as we watched.
You not, I cooed hugging her.
Like how you want to divorce me ? You admitting to fucking with 10 females durning a separation but tried to kill one for trying to be around me ? Ok didn't even fuck Josh, I didn't even kiss him , the nigga only hugged me a few times because I wasn't trying to be with anyone else.
But you fuck hoes and did all other type of shit but you're upset with me? Like I don't get it, she said as Ryan walks out the side door with Quentin behind him.

Walking up to her, she didn't say anything.
Handing her, her rings, he just stood in front of looking down at her.
Just shaking her head, she took the rings and placed them on her finger.

See but  I get treated like I'm a nobody, he bust my nose and choke me but I'm wrong for signing the papers , I get treated like I'm his property (you are Ryan nonchalantly said) , I'm not I'm your got damn wife, I'm the mother of your kids, I'm supposed to be your lover not your fucking property, she cried standing as he just looked at her.

Watching her cry, had me crying so I was not feeling Ryan ass right now.

Walking off into the house he followed her.

Like their crazy as fuck Quentin said looking at me.
Their momma and daddy all over again, this is why we are fucked up in the head.
This the same shit we went through growing up but daddy was worst, Quentin said as I agreed.

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