🎶 Epilogue 🎶

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2 months later...

"You both are leaving us?!"

I played with my fingers, laughing nervously, "Yeah...sorry guys."

"Told y'all she was temporary," Josiah said sadly, tearing up as if he couldn't see me whenever he wanted to.

Levi smiled and started dapping Kreo up, talking to him on the side.

Lian got up from the sofa and walked over to give me a friendly hug. "It's all good babygirl, we'll be supporting you both."

I smiled with tears in my eyes, "I love all of you guys. You made me realize I can do anything...I mean it."

Lian nodded calmly and turned his back, starting to murmur curse words in Korean.

The only thing I picked up that he had taught me was 'The fawk you mean leave?!'

Jace came up to me in full blown tears.

I laughed, "Why are you crying? I can still visit you guys."

"Shut up, it's my allergies."

I rolled my eyes and patted his back as I brought him into my arms, "There, there."

Levi's laugh filled the room and I saw Kreo shaking his head.

I knew it wouldn't be the last time I'd see all of these men, but I still couldn't help the slight longing within my heart.

My dreams began with them.

Even if I was leaving, a part of me would always belong to Unseeing.

✧   ✧   ✧

I walked hand in hand with Levi down the ruined part of the city.

We both stopped at a broken down barber shop. The sign was tilted and the white wooden walls were cracked, slanted, and rusted.

It definitely looked abandoned...as abandoned as he was all those years ago.

"This was where I was left when my mom found me," he said, gripping my hand tighter as a smile grew on his face, "I don't know why she ever saved me, but I'm glad it was her who did."

"I'm happy about that too," I said, hugging his arm.

We both heard something rattle inside and I tried to make a run for it, but he kept me in place.

"It's probably just a raccoon," he smiled and looked into the shop through the broken window.

What is wrong with him?!

His smile quickly vanished when he saw it wasn't an animal...but a person.

He let go of my hand and broke open the door.

"Levi what are you doing?!"


I blinked and stood still.

I watched him walk into the darkness of the shop, before coming back out with a child in his arms. A small skinny boy who looked about the age of five...

"Do you know where your parents are?" Levi asked the boy.

"What are parents?" he whispered.

I placed a hand over my mouth and Levi's eyes saddened, "Don't worry little buddy. We're going to take care of you, okay?"

The boy didn't respond and Levi looked at my shocked face, mouthing, "Can we keep him?"

I nodded. What's one more miracle going to hurt?

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