Part 29: Some Things Don't Change

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I moaned and pulled the covers over my head, "Leave me alone~"

Levi sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, strumming his guitar as he sang, "Get up for me princess...don't make me drag you know I love to see your beautiful face...please don't make me frown..."

I peeked out of the covers, "Still no."

"No hands for you then," he smirked.

I immediately rose out of the covers, "I'm up."

"Thought so," he whispered and kissed my lips.

* * *
(Levi's POV)

Last night was one I'd always remember. We had made our own music, slept in the same bed, and even had sex. I was freaking out in every one of those moments, but I didn't allow her to see that.

I'm actually still freaking out as I'm sitting here with my hand on her thigh as I drive with my other. I turned my head her way when I stopped at a red light.

She was so beautiful.

Her brown skin that reminded me of nutella, and her dark eyes that reminded me of the sky at midnight. Mini light would appear here and there in her irises that reminded me of stars.

She brushed a braid off her shoulder and rose an eyebrow at me, "Levi. Go."

I didn't know what she meant, I really just wanted to suck on her glossy lips and cuddle her close.

"What?" I asked in delay, and jumped a little when I heard a car honk behind me.

"The light's green dumbass," Amora giggled, and I quickly put my foot on the gas. I'm embarrassed.

So fucking embarrassed.

"Yeah dumbass!" Maniyla said in the backseat.

"No!" Amora and I shouted in unison.

My girlfriend gave me a look as if it was my fault when she was the potty mouth. "I'm not guilty," I told her.

"Yeah you are," she shrugged.

Of course I am, I thought sarcastically.

• • •

I pulled into my brother's driveway and got out of the car to help Maniyla gather her things. Jaquay had moved out not too far after I had. Him and I would interchange who would take her to school, in order to help our mother out.

Our mother never asked us to lend a hand, we offered. It was a token for how well she had raised us.

The tall dark skinned man jogged down the front steps of his house in an ironed suit. He was already a businessman. Of course he was playful and loved to game, but underneath it all lied a brilliant soul that almost no one could compete with.

"Bubby!" Maniyla squealed and ran over to Jaquay. He picked her up instantly and tickled her into a crying fit before walking over to me with her on his hip. "How's everything going so far? Ready for the performance?"

I nodded and handed him Maniyla's backpack. Amora smiled over at me.

"I think we are."

* * *
(Amora's POV)

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