Part 24: All in the Open

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[Couldn't help it yall. I was feeling feverish today, so proceed with caution😑]

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I attempted to take Levi's belt off my eyes, but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Don't do that," he whispered and pressed my back into the door as he closed it, "Let me see you like this for a while."

We both fell helpless to some part of each other. I had a thing for his veins, and he had a thing as well...seeing me like this.


More innocent than usual.

Trapped into the wonders of my mind.

Blinded in bliss.

I trailed my hand up his shirt. He was so smooth and solid to the touch. "Levi..."

He ran his fingers along my neck, and the cool material of his rings pressed right into my pulse. It had me wanting him more.

"Somewhere in the future," he kissed me before moving away from my lips to continue, "'re going to look like this for me."

I gulped and he tugged gently at my bottom lip with his teeth. The moan that left me had him feverishly aching for me.

"Do you want another kiss?" he teased.

A part of my core had me begging, "Please..."

He picked me up and sat me on the beauty desk, standing in between my legs as he slowly moved his lips to mine, "That's..." one kiss, "my..." two kisses.

I moaned again when his tongue began to dance with mine, and he didn't finish his sentence. He pulled me closer until my area hit his stomach, and I wrapped my legs around his back fastly.

He chuckled and pulled away, leaving me breathless. I didn't want him to stop. I was starting to warm up and tingle in every sensitive place of mine.

Out of nowhere, I found myself grinding against him, and he held my waist for support, "...good girl."

My head fell back onto the mirror and I started to move my hips harder against his stomach. One of his hands curled around my hips, fingertips pressing into the bottom of my back, while the other started to massage my v-line.

I automatically began to shiver and whimper out his name.

Watching me like this...thighs open...mouth open...everything open...made him hungrier.

"You sound amazing baby," he praised and started trailing kisses up my neck and jaw, "Get off to me..."

I wrapped your arms around his neck and started to grind faster, "L-Levi I can't hold it!"

"Don't hold it, princess," he whispered weakly when he felt my crotch meet his, "Come apart for me..."

The coil inside of me began to snap and he could hear my shaky breathers. I almost came at his lovely command.

He smiled and pressed his fingers on top of my dress to meet my clothed nub, "Come apart songbird, don't you want to feel it?"

I nodded and my eyes started rolling back as I crushed his sides with my thighs, "It's h-happening!"

He kissed the area between my breasts to feel my beating heart against his lips, "Good girl. Cum."

I did exactly that and he held me up as I began to slide down the desk and weaken.

He kissed my open lips and massaged my spread thighs.

I could only imagine what his veiny fingers would feel like inside of me. His hands were always such a drug.

When I relaxed, he sat me up straight and took the belt off my eyes, "How do you feel songbird?"

I smiled and bit my lip, "Good."

He nodded and looked at himself inside my eyes. "Good."

He helped me down, "Give me your panties."


"You want to walk around with a mess?"

I played with my fingers, ""

He held his hand out and I sighed, slipping my panties from underneath my dress.

He took them from me and placed them into his pocket. My eyes widened.

"Go get dressed appropriately. Skirts and dresses aren't an option, cause I'm not risking them seeing what's mine."

What's his...?

"Yes sir," I winked, about to walk away. I honestly didn't mind it. I was a bit shy when it came to showing skin anyway.


That word had me stuck in a trance. It was one of the first words he told me when I met him...and that's all I ever did. I stayed put. Right here. With him.

I turned to look at him and he smiled with an unusual glint in his eye, "Your area still isn't clean, remember?"

"I-I'll clean it," I responded timidly.

He shook his head, and sat me down in an empty chair, before getting on his knees. "I want to relish you."

He could tell I was embarrassed.

"No one's ever done this to you?" he asked.

I shook my head, starting to get insecure. What if I taste bad? What if he sees my stomach?

"Haven't done this either," he laughed, suddenly starting to turn red.

I closed my legs, begining to get anxious.

"Baby," he whispered, and I blinked out of my thoughts. I loved it when he called me baby. It made me feel like I was his.

"I love you."

My heart softened at his words. I knew he did, but I was still so afraid.

"We don't have to," he laughed softly and attempted to stand, but I pulled him back down, and spread my legs again.

I wanted to feel his tongue flowing through me.

"Can you do it with your eyes closed?"

He was a bit confused and hesitant at my question, but he nodded, "Of course baby."

I took his belt and buckled it around his eyes and he started to chuckle. He looked more than attractive like this.

I grabbed my phone, "Say cheese Levi."

"What? Don't take a picture of this!"

I aimed the camera towards him between my thighs. My eyes only.

He sighed, defeated, "You got enough now?"

I nodded and ran my hand through his hair.

"Tell me when," he whispered, feeling up my legs to explore the warmth my thighs provided.

I smirked, "When."

I watched his head slip through my dress and my area was immediately met by his mouth.

His tongue started to enter my dripping slit and the slurps he made as he moaned had me feeling so much better about myself than a second ago.

"Fuck..." I heard him mumble as he sucked my clit, "...I don't wanna run out."

Was he trying to get more out of me?!

He licked the remaining juices off my lady lips, placing a kiss to my hole, before moving his head out of my dress.

He took the belt off his eyes and shook out his hair, "Princess..."

I looked at him through my fingers as I hid my face, "Hm?"

"You're delicious."

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