Part 5: Peculiar Passion

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I pulled into the parking lot of the campus library and saw Milo already there, standing near the entrance waiting for me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I pulled into the parking lot of the campus library and saw Milo already there, standing near the entrance waiting for me.

He had a quick change of plans apparently, so the café trip was currently on hold.

I hurried and walked up to him, "Sorry, am I late?"

He smiled, "Nope. I'm just always early."

I nodded silently.
He was unique, for sure.

He opened the door for you, "You look good, Amora."

I walked past him, "Not too bad yourself Milo."

We both started looking through isles in the history section.

"What are you searching for again?" I asked.

"Anything about Europeans bringing Africans to America."

I rose an eyebrow, "Why the hell?"

"History professor said we have to write three papers on one topic about black history. Might as well write one about how mass slavery began here," he said, brushing his hair back from his eyes, "Many seem to forget the term African American is used for a reason."

I looked at him as he started flipping pages through an old book.

He was so studious, and he didn't find it boring?

Rare, but hot, I had to admit.

"How about this one?" I asked, handing him a book.

He looked around the back of it, then read through the table of contents.
His eyes lit up, "It even has a section for the influences of religion too!"

I blinked, "Huh?"

He brought me to his side with one of his arms, giving me a friendly hug, but my heart was doing laps. "You're the best!"

I just stood there and watched him go to the front desk to check out the book like a happy camper.

He's a weird one as well.

• • •

We both went to the cafe afterwards.

He pulled my chair out for me at a window table and I sat.

"Um thank you," I said, playing with my fingers.

He nodded and moved my seat closer to the table before going to sit across from me.

Why did this feel like a date?
Was I reading everything wrong? It was just a simple act of kindness, right? Platonic, nothing more.

"Hi there. What may I get you?" A waitress asked with a mini booklet and pen in hand.

Milo nodded at me and I spoke...pretty fastly. "I'll just have a water and any kind strawberry pastry. T-thanks." God, I hope he didn't notice.

She jotted down my order, with no problem thankfully. "The strawberry danish here is actually really good. I think you'll love it. Personally one of my faves."

Down With Broken ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ