Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies

Start from the beginning

"You cook?" she said with a smirk, "This I need to see."

"Be prepared to be impressed, Roses," he said, "Yakitori is my specialty."

Her stomach rumbled.  "Okay, I guess I can be lazy for one day.  But tomorrow morning we are going for a run, got it?"  He kissed her by way of response.  She glared at him.  "That was not an agreement to run with me tomorrow," she said, staring at him.

He clicked his tongue.  "Fine, fine.  We go for a run tomorrow.  Now can get we back to being lazy?"

She laughed.  "No, because I want to shower.  All I did yesterday was run hot water over myself to warm up.  And I'm going to need my clothes from yesterday, if you don't mind."

"But I like this outfit on you," he pulled her close to him again, no longer embarrassed by his love of feeling her chest move against him.  

"Oh, I'm sure you do.  And how much will you enjoy the team seeing me in it, hmmm?  I bet Tanaka and Noya would be as fascinated as you were."  She leered at him.

"Yeah, not happening, Roses," he declared, hugging her tightly again.  "Mine," he whispered in her ear, once again getting the payoff he hoped for.  I'm not usually one for giggly girls, he thought, but that giggle makes me more happy than I ever thought possible.  "Why do you giggle when I do that?" he asked.

"Well, two reasons," she said, stretching a bit.  "One, you always whisper it in my ear, and as I think you're now well aware, my ears are sensitive."  He hummed and nibbled on her ear in response, she gasped and squirmed in his arms.  She playfully smacked his shoulder, making him stop.  "Second," she continued once he let her ear go, "I like being yours.  When you tell me that, it makes me feel...wanted.  Needed.  Cared for."  Loved, she thought, but I'm not sure you're ready for that word.  I think you need to be the one to say it first, or I'm afraid I'll frighten you too much.  She snuggled into him again, and he held her close.  "And that makes me really happy, and I guess that comes out as a giggle."

"Roses," he whispered, his voice soft and full of tenderness, "please stay mine forever, okay?"

"Forever is a long time, Kei," she murmured, "but that's my plan."

They lay quietly in each other's arms, neither one wanting to break from the moment.  

Until Kei's stomach growled, rather loudly.

The two teens burst into laughter.  "Alright, I guess that's our cue," Kei said, getting up and heading for the laundry room.  "I'll be right back with your stuff.  Do you need a toothbrush or anything like that?"

She grinned, sitting up.  "Nope, I keep a little toiletry set in my medical bag too, just in case of emergency.  So I'm good."

A few minutes later, Nakano headed into the bathroom, ready for a shower.  Once she was ensconced in the other room, Kei grabbed his phone, opening up a contact he'd never thought he'd use.

Oi King, you awake?

What's wrong?  Did something happen to Nakano?

I guess you could say that.  We had a run-in with Oikawa yesterday.

Is she hurt?  Where are you?  Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Relax.  I've been with her since then, she's fine.  But he convinced her to meet with him today after practice.  Alone.  I am not having that.  But Nakano won't let me come with her, since Oikawa saw me with her yesterday and knows I'm her boyfriend.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now