It Ain't Over

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Nia- This chapter is a bitter sweet chapter 🥺 very sad. Thank you for everybody who been here since the very first chapter, been supporting me to this point, even coming from another book of mine. I appreciate all of you for reading and supporting my book in the best way. 😘❤️

July 8, 2034
2:24 p.m
Los Angeles, California
Kentrell Desean Gaulden

mLos Angeles, California Kentrell Desean Gaulden

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I laid on my bed with my eyes closed as I had Rayn who was asleep on my chest. He had been crying nonstop for literally and hour, I was finally able to get him to go to sleep though.

Hearing my door open made me open my eyes. I seen it was Journey and her friend Nova, I hadn't seen Nova in a minute. I thought they weren't friends anymore.

"Hey daddy." Journey smiled and they came in.

"Hey babygirl, hey Nova. I ain't seen you in a while girl." She laughed.


"Uh daddy we need to talk to you, well mostly I."


"Well, a few nights ago I went out on a walk and I ran into Nova. She offered to walk me home and we kinda reconnected." I nodded wondering where this was going.

"She's gay now ok, I made a mistake a few years ago by dropping her when she told me because I was worried about people's thoughts on me. But now I'm much older and I understand."

"Ok, good for Nova. Support is here." She nodded.

"Her being different change her life a little, her parents kicked her out so she lives with her aunt, she use to get bullied and then there was me. She's doing good now though. And so am I. But that night something happened." They looked at each other.


"Um......we kissed." I raised an eyebrow.

"Y'all what?"


"So what that mean?"

"Daddy I like her. I know I like her, this is something stronger than what I felt for Khyson, I like her and I know what I want. We're not together but we're gonna let it fall into place." I looked at Nova and she looked down.

"I'm not judging Nova." She looked at me.

"How you feel about her?"

"She's the one that made me realize I was who I was." Journey's jaw dropped.

"You didn't tell me that Nova."

"I know, so when you dropped me it kinda hurt my feelings a lot more. Just felt like you were never really my friend and I had opened up to you and got comfortable with you." A tear rolled down her face.

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