"Why didn't you come to church today?" She glanced up at me before placing the salad into another bowl.

"Why would I go to a church to praise a god that's isn't ours," I reply, my mother was stripped from all her beliefs just to cater to my father's.

"Don't start with this nonsense, Estella. Your father's beliefs are our belief." I crossed my arms childishly, I was baptized and memorized the Bible like the back of my hand.

But, I still hold it against my father that he didn't even allow my mother to worship her god. And I was forced into a religion that I don't care for.

"And your father wanted you to meet, the de Luca's" I groan internally at the mention of his name.

"I rather choke on an overside meatball," I grumbled.

"Estella." She scolds. "Don't say such things, they might come true."

Where the hell would you even find an overside meatball?

"I hope it does," I mumbled, earring a smack on my head from her towel.

It did happen once, not on a meatball but an olive of my martini. It wasn't pleasant, that would have been the worst way to die.

Last week my father announced his partnership with August de Luca, the capo of one of the founding five families in New York, and I despise him.

My father and August have been bumping heads for over three years, I always heard my father talk of him and my little heart of gold didn't want to judge him based on his actions.

When I met him, I smiled at him which was strike freaking one. He looked me up and down his eyes full of disgust as he eyed me down, his whole presence made me nervous, and that rarely happens.

Ever since we would meet unexpectedly and we would bicker back and forth. So ever since I had my thoughts set on what to think of him.

So with the news that I would now be seeing him often isn't something I was excited about on this early Sunday morning.

"August is the perfect gentleman, I think you would've liked him." No, I wouldn't, my family doesn't know about my dislike towards august and I wasn't gonna let them know.

I don't want to imagine what my father would say or do if he found out Im already on the bad side of his newest business partner.

Yet along with him being a Don.

"I think you have me mistaken for Olivia." She raised an eyebrow at my tone.

Olivia is my sister, half-sister. My father cheated on my mother and brought back a spoiled disgrace of a child.

"I'm sure she had her fingers all over him during the Service," I say absently, mamma's expression darkens as she shakes her head.

My mother doesn't like Olivia but she wouldn't admit it. My mother has a heart of gold, something else I got from her other than my looks.

"I wouldn't know, you weren't the only one who missed the service." I cocked an eyebrow looking at her.

That's interesting, it seems like I won't be the only one on my father's bad side this evening.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now