You go on Your First Date

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My Baby is growing up so fast 😩, You're 15

(M/f/n)- Male friend's name

"H-hey mom?" Bucciarati turned to look at you. His smile was warm as the sun. It was one that comforted you. Checking all around you to make sure Abbacchio wasn't around, you gulped and looked back up to face Bucciarati.

"So...I, uhm, probably should have told you this earlier, b-but (m/f/n) asked me out on a date." Your head founds it's way looking down and blushing. Bruno read everything you were feeling like he was Heavan's Door. 

"That's so great (Y/n)! When are you two leaving?" He pulled you into a hug full well knowing that you were embarrassed. 

"Tonight, actually. Please don't tell dad!" 

"I can't just lie to your father, (Y/n), he has to know where you're going too."

"What, so he can snipe (M/f/n) off of the roof?" Bucciarati stood it silence and pondered on this thought, curling his index finger into a hook and bringing it to his chin. 

"You know, there are some things that are done for the greater good. It'll be out secret, okay?" 

"Thanks Mom! I love you so much!" Kissing his cheek, you ran back into your quarters to go get ready. It was 4:00 p.m. and your date was at 6:00 p.m. after all. 

You were dolling up in front of your mirror, combing out your hair, putting a tiny bit of makeup and all of that fun stuff. All of the sudden Mista walked into your room.

"Soooo, whatcha getting all dolled up for?" He methodically fiddled with his gun.

"Oh, I-uhm, I'm going to Libeccio," You weren't going to Libeccio. You shoed Mista into the corner of the room and made him face the wall as you got dressed so you could continue your conversation. You stripped off your pants and shirt and slid on a cute black date dress.

"With who?" The gun man sighed as he picked at his fingernails.

" friend?" Sanguine invaded your cheeks and settled there to dwell a while longer. 

"Ooooooooh, I Seeeeeeeee. Our little miss has found herself a date, hm?"

"Shut up Mista, otherwise when you put your gun back in your pants I'll reach over and pull the trigger." You gave him the okay to turn around and you saw his frightened expression that stuck to his tan face. 

"Well darn, that's a shame!" Guido pouted as he exited your room. "Could've been you and me in a few years (Y/n)!" He chuckled and left you wondering what the hell he was talking about.

"Stupid lovable bastard," you muttered under your breath and left the room, getting ready to leave. Taking a fresh breath of sunset air, you took a glance at Mama Bruno talking to (M/f/n). It seemed he had made a good first impression on your mom. 

"I'll kill you if you hurt her in any way, understand?" Bucciarati kept a friendly face as you approached. 

"Y-yes sir! I swear I'll treat her well!" He promised as you met up with the too. 

"(Y-y/n), you look beautiful." He handed you a red rose with curves so elegant. Taking one more glance at Bucciarati's "I'll snap your neck" blue eyes, (m/f/n) left the doorstep with you next to him. 

"Your dad is really scary," He chuckled as he snaked his hand into yours. You looked into the sunset, excited for the amusement park that you two love birds were going to. You were just hoping that your secret with Bruno would stay safe. 

"Well, that's my mom, and yeah, he is pretty scary when he wants to be!"

"Wait, you have two dads?" He looked at you with an unreadable expression.

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