Jailbreak Pt. 1

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You're sixteen still. Lol. (Sorry for the lack of humor recently, I've been kind of sad 🥲. I've been writing down ideas though, so expect some laughs in the next few chapters!)

Rain dripped from the gray clouds and sprinkled the stone pathways in the streets of Venice. Abbacchio slid his umbrella up and placed it over your head, only being a small umbrella. He smiled as the droplets turned his clothes dark and his hair wet. 

"Hey, you're gonna get soaked!" You tried to push the umbrella back to him, but he resisted.

"It's alright. I don't want it...The rain's a bit nostalgic for me." You cocked your head and wondered why while the two of you kept walking. Eventually, the two of you came across an alleyway between two houses. The paint was chipped away and the scent was musky and gross, shattered wine bottles littered the soaked stone floor. "You remember that I was an officer in my youth, right?" His voice was low and slid like honey over glistening crumbles off his tongue.

"Yeah, what about it?" You stared into the darkness of that alleyway, pondering the past and wondering what might have occurred so many years ago. 

"This was my fall. I got my fellow officer, my friend, killed. All becuase I took a bribe from a fugitive. Your mom rescued me from...this." He found himself across the street, picking up a broken wine bottle. "That's why I adopted you. He took me under his wing, and I wanted to do the same for you." His broken feelings were stitched poorly, but still showed through his half smile and loving eyes. Tears formed in your own eyes, love flooding.

Fast footsteps could be heard. A silhouette of a man could be seen running towards them. That run, Abbacchio recognized it immediately. He dropped the bottle, "Oh. It's just you, Bruno. I was just showing-..." Two men appeared from behind the running man, and a bright light flashed and blinded you. 

"That's him alright!" One of them shouted. Abbacchio pushed you behind him and put his hand up to block the light. That shining badge on their hats. Shocked, A deep punch entered his chest, knocking all air from his lungs.

"Dad!" You pulled out Creed as quickly as possible, but you felt a hit to the head, stunning you. Your head felt light as the cold puddle water soaked into your skin. You watched with dizzy vision as a fist was lashed across Abacchio's face. They bashed his head into the wall and handcuffed his wrists. His face was bloodied, his eyes almost closed and exhausted. He looked like he was about to fall into an unconscious sleep. Leone's eyes jerked back open when he saw you on the floor. He gathered his remaining air.

"Run!" His desperate voice brought you back to your senses. "Run (Y/n)! Don't let them catch you-," another bash into the wall caused him to lose consciousness. You pushed yourself from the floor with a grunt, grabbed the umbrella, and ran. Your teeth were pushing against your lip, blood spilling. 

"I'm so sorry..." you mumbled as you ran. You lost the chasing officers eventually with your lungs harshly trying to grasp air. You stumbled through the front gate and into the garden, collapsing into the mud. A distant echoing voice shouted as your vision blurred. 

You awoke, Giorno and Trish by your side. Regaining your senses, you realized that your hand was laid softly in Giorno's. The light flooded your eyes and made your head ache. "She's awake. Go tell Bruno, Trish."

"Yes, boss." She made her leave. Giorno leaned over and gave you deep hug, glad you were okay. You wrapped at arm around him and sat up, clearing your throat. Your head was aching badly, and a hand clasped against it. You took a sip of the ice water that was in a glass next to you, and the freezing water brought the memories back to you. You choked on the water and coughed uncontrollably.

"No no no no no..." You swung your legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up, but Giorno pushed you back. 

"Miele, you need to sit down-,"

"NO! THEY TOOK HIM!" You shoved him aside and stood up, bolting for the entrance. You were met by Golden Experience Requiem in front of you, his stare, deadly. Giorno grabbed the collar of your shirt and forced you back onto your bed.

"I can't be nice with this, (Y/n). I love you, but this is serious. He pulled you by your shirt closer. "Where is Abbachio?" Those piercing green eyes scared everything inside you. You opened your mouth to speak, but you were saved by the loud bang of the door slamming open. Watermelon hair, clenched fists. 

"Who the hell hurt you." Diavolo cracked his knuckles, a true emperor's fury showing. Bruno shoved his way into the room, the same fury with him. Giorno let go of your shirt and stood up, waiting expectantly.

"We were walking...and dad was showing me something...And then, the cops came and beat the hell out of him, beat me in head, and took him away. They tried chasing me, but I got away. And...Who found me and brought me inside?

"Mista, actually." Giorno replied. The heck? Usually Mista would have put a snail on my head and taken a picture and laughed at me in the mud...Instead he brought me inside and helped me...

"Abbacchio..."Bruno turned to probably burn the entire city down until he found Leone. Diavolo blocked the doorway.

"Oh Bruno...for being a capo you sure are reckless." He mumbled through smirking lips. Wether that put Bucciarati in place or moved him further away from it, Diavolo was on thin ice. Unfortunately for Bucciarati, if the ice broke, Diavolo would be too big to fall through...

You stood up, and reached into your drawer. You pulled out your purple hat thing Abbacchio usually wore and put it on your head. "Let's go break him out of jail." There was silence, but nobody laughed. Clearly everyone had been thinking the same thing. 

"Here, boy!" You patted the side of your leg and called your dog, (M/p/n) to you. "I'm gonna make a phone call...We leave tomorrow morning for him."

Giorno grinned with pride at your authoritative tone. "Diavolo...Round up the gang."

You grabbed a phone and pulled up the sticky note with the number on it. Carefully dialing in each number, you waited impatiently as monotone ringing buzzed over and over again. Finally. "Hello?"

"Hey! What's going on?" She asked.

"Hey, some jerk officers beat the hell out of my dad and took him to jail for some reason we're not aware of yet. We're going to break him out tomorrow. Would you be willing to pull a red-eye to help us here? Don't know how well the team will do since most of us are emotionally dead inside, especially Bucciarati. We'll definitely need some help."

"Ha! I've been waiting for something like this. Let me tell Anasui. I'll see you tomorrow! Stay safe, (Y/n)!"

"Thanks, Jolyne. It's gonna be one hell of a ride tomorrow." Click.

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