Your Wedding

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I'm back b**ches

(Warning for all you fussies: Mature themes (and no, it's not a smut this time.))

"No. I'm not walking you down the aisle to that scumbag!"

"Dad, please! You promised me you would last night! We've got to go out there in five minutes!"

"I was drunk, (Y/n), that doesn't count as a promise. I am not walking you down that aisle." His arms sternly crossed.

"Oh? Not even for a new white Valentino bag?"

He hesitated a moment, eyeing you with suspicion. "No." He replied. 

You flipped the hem of your wedding dress towards you, dramatically turning from him. "Then I'll go by myself." You huffed.

Abbacchio silently groaned and shuffled frustratingly with his bow tie, attempting to ignore your disappointment in him. Though disappointment from one's daughter is not something easily shaken. Leone glanced at his silver watch, seeing that two minutes remained. His daughter's eyes were watering, but she kept her chin up. She wasn't about to cry in front of Goldilocks out there. He remembered how lovely you had been at his own wedding with Bucciarati, and he knew only his pride was keeping him from escorting you to Mr. Dougnuts. Abbacchio stared coldly at the numerous scars embedded on your arms. All of the suffering you had endured, and yet, you managed to pick up the broken pieces of your life, and put them back together with pride. Leone took a deep breath, and gently linked his arm with yours. The way his daughter's face glowed forced him to display a purple smirk.

"Thank you." You kissed his cheek, Abbacchio watching the clock for the right moment to release his daughter to his enemy.

You stood at the altar, Giorno Giovanna admiring everything about you as you examined your surroundings. The multiple chairs were filled with the family and close friends of everyone in the gang, including the nurse who in the very beginning assumed Bucciarati and Abbacchio were together. Trish stood proudly as your maid of honor, Mista being Giorno's best man with Fugo and Narancia finally standing respectfully behind him. Diavolo, Doppio, Bucciarati, and  Polnareff the turtle all remained in the front row seats, quiet with fascination. Your concentration returned to your hands which were sweetly laid in Giorno's velvet-gloved. 

"I do." Giorno replied to the officiant's famous question."

"And do you, (Y/n) Abbacchio, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

You were lost in his eyes, glistening green seas overwhelming your senses. "I do.

The small smile aroused on his face sent your world into a flurry of expressionless cuteness overkill.  

"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

Giorno softly caressed your cheek with a hand, leaning in close to kiss his beautiful bride. All the tension and all your simpleminded worries melted away through those lips. It seemed as if you had wings. Giorno turned to the crowd with a grin while you remained dazed by his passion. Thus, the after party began!

Trish picked Narancia up by his arms. "Narancia why the hell are you wearing a dress?"

"Uhhhhm, you should go talk to Mista and Fugo." He snapped a dirty glare at the young gentleman in their suits. Trish cocked her head confused, setting him down. "Okay, so-," he did the annoyed/ yasss girl slay, gay hand, his opposite firm on his waist. "Me and the guys were slaying per usual, and Mista came up with the hilarious idea to all wear dresses instead of suits. So we all went to buy dresses. But guess what?" He snapped his fingers. "The guys ABANDONED me, and made me look like a fool." Narancia shifted his weight onto one hip and waved his pointer finger about. They're just lucky that I got self confidence, otherwise, I would be crying right now. I'm killing it in this dress." 

"I'm not even going to try to guess what you've been watching recently..." Trish wandered away, hopefully to die. 

Giorno was off speaking with Bucciarati while you attempted to console your father. He was profusely chugged the wine in his hand, doing his best not to spoil his suit. I'm going to kill that bastard. 

"Daaaad, isn't he wonderful?" You leaned your head on his shoulder.

"No, (Y/n), no, he's not. And before you even think about it, absolutely NO sex tonight." Abbacchio scolded.

"Sugar, it's my wedding, and I'm gonna get so down with it tonight. We all know you and Bruno did. You smirked and watched his flustered expression grow.

Abbacchio held up is hands and began to count his fingers. "No bondage, no riding, no overstim, no getting hurt, you only get one round, no hair pulling, no tongue, no fingering, no anal, and absolutely no oral." Then he began to list off more as he counted his invisible fingers.

"Wait, dad." You interrupted. "How do you know all of that stuff?"

He immediately froze. "You know. You see it on signs and in books and stuff..."

"You see 'no oral' on signs?"

Before any more conflict could arise between the conversation of you and Giorno having sex that night, a familiar face gently pushed its way through the crowds. He wore a fancy red top, black dress pants accompanied. His black hair was reasonably gelled back, and he wore a firm grin as he said hello.

"Enzo!" You exclaimed, bounding into a hug. "How have you been? It's so nice to see you again!"

"You too, my fellow tootise roll lover." Enzo chuckled, staring at Abbacchio.

"Alright, you two have fun. I'm gonna go get absolutely wasted." Abbacchio murmured, stumbling away like a drunken clown into his quarters.

"So what have you been up to?" 

"Well, I convinced your friend over there," he pointed to Mista, "that the cake would make him fly if he ate the entire middle layer, so here we are."

Mista was laying on the floor, crying as he threw up all over the place. Fugo was also trying to burn Narancia alive for wearing a dress, but he was too fergalicious to be caught. Enzo heartily laughed and turned his focus to Giorno.

"You've landed quite the man."


"Well, my lady, I must be off!" He quirkily did a British accent, and gently kissed your hand. "The gang gets nervous when their good ol' capo is away too long."

"Capo?" A surprised hand made it's way in front of your mouth.

"Hey, don't ask me! Ask your husband! Anyways, I gotta bounce." 

"Thank you for coming!" You waved him off, but then realized he had left a parting gift in your hand. A tootsie roll. You chuckled sweetly, plopped into your mouth, and made your way back to Giorno. The congratulations and hugs lasted for an eternity until the sun went down. You were given several nudges and smirks as the crowd turned in for the night. Bucciarati informed you that Abbacchio was passed out on the couch after going to the pet store in a drunken frenzy, buying three ferrets, and then dressing them up as police officers. Their names were Fuck, You, and, Prince Giorno.

Bucciarati winked at you, threatened Giorno to treat you nice, and then went to tend to Abbacchio and his new pets. Giorno waited until Bruno was out of the premises. Then he gracefully picked you up, a small cute squeal accompanying you, and carried you to his quarters.  The bed was smoothed out and well made, just waiting for someone to mess it all up. His hand seductively ran down the back of your dress, the zipper following. Soon, the two of you were in nothing but your underwear. 

Giorno snaked two arms around your waist, pulling you close. "So, Mrs. Giovanna, what did Abbacchio say not to do on our wedding night?"

You caressed his cheek. "No bondage, no riding, no overstim, no getting hurt, we only get one round, no hair pulling, no tongue, no fingering, no anal, and absolutely no oral."

"I suppose we should get started with number one then, shall we?" He gave you a deep kiss before your night of fun began. Although, most of the night was spent with Abbacchio sobbing outside and punching the door, shouting movie references, of course with his new baby ferrets cuddled close.

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