You Get Your First Period

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"DAD I'M DYING". You screamed as you fell on the floor dramatically. Abbacchio tripped on your body and prevented himself from crushing you with his arms. He quickly got up and wiped away slobber which had dripped from his lips when he fell. In doing so, he smeared his lipstick across his face.

You began laughing in the fetal position as you were hurting. Abbacchio was confused, had you gone mad? Were you drunk again?

"Y-you have made my final moments on t-this world v-very enjoyable!" You were laughing so hard it was a little worrying. Three quarters of your laughter was in agony and the other quarter was from humor. 

"(Y/n), how are you dying?" Abbacchio asked unaware of his lipsticky situation. 

"Well, that's complicated. Fetch Trish for me darling would you?" Abbacchio was weirded out by your nonsense and called for Trish. He left the his living room for the two of you to talk in private. 

"Trish, my end is near. When I die, I want you to tell Mista that I was the one who stole the crowbar."

"That was you?"

"Yes, it's a very complicated story that I'm not willing to explain to you. Also I'm bleeding out." Trish sighed and facepalmed. This is what happens when you're raised with men your whole life...Geez...what if Bucciarati found out. He wouldn't sleep the entire week.

"No, you're not dying, you're on your period."

Clasping you're hands together, you or them up to your mouth. You leaned forward while sitting with a look of deep thinking on your face. This was the most confusing moment of your life. What was this thing called a "period"? Was it some sort of premonition for something? Maybe it had something to do with vampires. Vampires like blood, right? 

"What is this magical thing called a "period"?" You asked with (e/c) eyes bewildered. 

"It isn't magical, it hurts and you're gonna be grumpy. To sum things up for you, a period is when you bleed for a week once a month.  It hurts, but the bleeding will reduce every day by just a bit until it stops." 

"Well, life just got worse."

"What made it bad in the first place?"

"Dad stopped buying cookies because I love them too much. I miss the sweet chocolate chips melting in my mouth along with the flavorful golden cookie crumbs. The way it looked, it's circular, elegant shape. Each chocolate chip placed perfectly, distributing balance between the masterpiece."

Trish handed you feminine products and told you what to do with them. You did as you were told, and was super uncomfortable. You went to the turtle to cuddle up next to Polnareff because you were sad for absolutely no reason.

Polnareff and you were cuddling on the couch in the turtle as you cried because you longed for cookies that your cruel father had taken away from you. You had a white blanket over your body and head with two holes cut out so you could see and you could be a ghosty boi and cry. Polnareff told you many different things about turtles as you wept. Did you know that turtles body has sixty bones? 

Eventually, Abbacchio and Bucciarati entered the turtle with something in hand. A warm plate of Bucciarati's homemade cookies awaited you. Sitting down next to you, the cuddle group's number was increased. You all munched on the cookies happily except for Polnareff, Polnareff didn't get any cookies.

Mista came in and sat on the floor and played poker with his torture dance brethren. Fugo won of course and this made you smile. Mista's dreams being crushed made you smile. They both lost money, and because Mista didn't know when to call it quits, he kept playing until he was broke. This turned into Mista doing tasks for the newly rich king Fugo and his servant Narancia. 

"Mista, I'm getting rather thirsty, go grab me a drink," Fugo said placing the tip of his fingers on his throat to show that he was parched. Trish later joined in and stood by Fugo's side as queen. Mista had even gone to the extent of cutting off his own finger for a few bucks. 

The party stopped when Giorno entered the room looking menacing. His eyes were filled with seriousness and his expression was terrifying. He had something important to say.

"Fugo..." Fugo got scared and knew he was in for it. 

"Bow before your new emperor!" Giorno hit Fugo in the face as hard as he possibly could with a pillow. Fugo, Narancia, Trish, and Mista all got on their knees and began to bow down to the new emperor.

The crowd from the couch was enjoying the show, especially you. It got your mind off of the pain and you were now focused on Fugo's pain. Trish was polishing up Giorno's fingernails, Narancia was bowing before his lord, Fugo was making Giorno a cocktail, and Mista was begging on hands and knees for Giorno to fix his finger.

Your family was cheering you up more than they knew. If only you could get a sip of that cocktail though...your father would release his wrath upon you. It was going to be a rough week, but you knew that if you had no-demon Polnareff with you, you wouldn't be consumed by demons. 

Yup, I'm sorry it was short. I don't have an excuse, it was just a short chapter. Thanks for reading!

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