Abbacchio and Bucciarati Surprise You

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Which one would you join?

It was 12 o'clock p.m. on the the day after Christmas, and you walked out of the mansion doors with a cookie in your mouth and your hands in your pockets. Bucciarati waved to you and Abbacchio signaled for you to hurry up. You raced down to them, tripping, and dropping your cookie. 

"Oh..." the two just looked at you. You were on your knees, clenching the three broken dirty cookie pieces tightly. 

"My cookie..." you whimpered as a tear slid down your cheek without a blink. "Come back....come back!"

Sighing, Abbacchio pulled a cookie out from under his purple hat thing and handed it to you. Grabbing the cookie with much excitement, you began munching on it. You kissed your father on the cheek and your trio walked away into town. 

"So, what's the big surprise?" You mumbled while finishing up your cookie.

"Now, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." Abbacchio patted your head and kept his eyes forward.

"Is it a gun?"

"Yup, it's a gun." Bruno sarcastically said.

"Uh huh, and I suppose I'll get a victim to use it on too?"

"No, you still need to use the pistol Mista got you. Just...don't shoot yourself constantly like he does."

"That dope..."

Eventually, you all got to a certain building that made you confused. A small bell on the handle of the door gave a small happy jingle as your trio entered. The shop owner clearly recognized Bucciarati (like everyone else in Venice) and grinned.

"This way," she loosely pointed her hand in the direction of the room and took you there. Going back over to the desk, you stared down into the little gated area. You were elated, that much for sure, but besides that, where was your gun? Not the point.

"What are those things?" You asked, pointing down to the little fur balls below. Your parents chuckled a bit and Mama Bruno put a hand on your shoulder and grinned.

"Those, are Labrador puppies." 

Little black, yellow, and brown fur balls were bouncing and playing along with cute little yips in the area below. At first a thought came to your mind that displeased you, and you had to ask.

"Puppy mill?" You frowned.

"No, actually, two of the dogs from the owner of this shop had puppies."

"Hell, these are some cute little boogers!" You stuck you two fingers down in the roofless cage and a little squirt jumped up to meet them. Licking them, he gave them a little nibble and wagged his tail so much he fell over.

Abbacchio put a hand around Bucciarati and the two watched you gently play with the little guys. You made little noises as you played with them, and finally you made your decision. Pointing down the little guy who had first played with you earlier, you simply said, "that one."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, he's cute."


You picked the little dude up and he immediately began licking your face to the max. You handed the dog to your daddio and when you came back with a (f/c) collar for the little dude, Bucciarati was slightly laughing and Abbacchio's purple lipstick was smeared from puppy licks. 

"He's giving you kisses," Bruno patted Abbacchio on the head.

"Yeah, well let's not forget the time when (y/n) was a baby and gave you "kisses" on the-,"

"Shhhhh, love. I will zipper your mouth shut if you keep talking."

You were confused, but your parents were kinda weird so it didn't really matter. Your parents checked out and you put the collar on your new dog. Clipping the leash to the hook, he clumsily stumbled onto his side from being too excited.

"Thank you so much!" You put both of them in a bear hug, truly being grateful for your gift. 

"You're welcome, but he's your responsibility."

"Does that mean I can teach him to bite Mista's toes while he's sleeping?"

"Go right ahead," Abbacchio kissed your head and your trio began the walk home. You watched the lab puppy bark at rocks and bumble home on his leash, a smile forming on your face. 

"Yeah, I'm namin' him (male pet's name)."

"Why (male pet's name?)" Bucciarati asked.

"Because he's going to rip off Mista's toes and make them into a necklace." Nobody said anything for the rest of the walk home.

You went straight to Polnareff turtle and entered the key with the doggo under your shirt. Turns out Mista, Narancia, and Fugo were having a drinking party while Trish did Giorno's nails and Jotaro talked to PolPol.

You took the dog out from your shirt and set him in Joot the doot's lap. He was unamused, but his hand found its way to pet the furry ball of love. (M/p/n) wagged his tail and licked Jotaro's face and mouth repetitively. Star Platinum was summoned and he gently set the dog down on the ground. 

Mista turned around and saw the little dude. He squealed like a drunk bastard and kissed the puppy on the nose. He was laying down, his face resting on his arms in front of the now tired puppy. He was talking to him like he was a person, and that was when you realized that Mista needed more friends. 

You were having a very manly and mature talk with Pol Pol and Joot when you turned your head only to see Fugo, Narancia, and Mista, chanting the word "chug" over and over again. (M/p/n) was drinking wine from a dish.

"NO! MISTA YOU MORTAL FOOL!" You tackled him to the ground, poked him in the eye and poured the wine dish into his mouth. The lab was now stumbling around just like Mista had been.

"Does she always act like this?" Jotaro asked, watching everything play out.

"Well, pretty much. She's only ever really violent with Mista though. Those two get along great. They're good friends!" Polnareff watched as you exited the turtle with the puppy in your arms.

Staying up half the night wasn't fun especially since your room reeked of dog throw up. In the morning, your little love was curled up in your arms, fast asleep, and you were drooling ever so elegantly on him. Mista had invaded your room and snapped a photo for black mail later on. Ah, you couldn't wait for your toe necklace.

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