You Tell Abbacchio You're Pregnant

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It had been too long since anything exciting had happened. The weather had been spectacular recently and yet, you had already been outside for hours on end. Now that you had taken a pregnancy test, you'd have to be careful how you would play this. Why you had pregnancy tests with you to begin with, no one knew, but that wasn't the point. 

"Dad I have something important to tell you," you placed a hand on his shoulder and sat him down next to Bucciarati. You handed them the positive pregnancy test while he was sipping his sexy Italian wine. Abbacchio began choking on his wine and ended up drenching his chest with it because he never covered up his chest.

"Bruno...are you pregnant? How does that even work?"

"What? No, Abba, I'm not pregnant...wait."

"Are you pregnant, Abba?"

"What? If I asked you then then clearly means I'm not pregnant....unless I am secretly pregnant. However, I don't remember taking a pregnancy test."

The two looked at you and you bit your lip and nodded slowly. Abbacchio had known it all along. Giorno. That devil was going to be annihilated from the world once and for all. He was going to hunt that blond haired bastard down and choke him until his face turned as purple as Abbacchio's favorite wine. But not right now, right now Abbacchio was heading to his wine stash to get wasted.

"No, bad Abba! Wine won't solve your problems, amore!"

"Yes it can and it's going to otherwise I'm going to break it's neck."

Hesitating, Bruno turned to you with angry and happy eyes.  He was clearly excited, but you were only thirteen. He had never thought Giorno to be a pedophile. He was twenty-eight dammit, nonetheless a mafia boss who was supposed to have self control.

"Time to tell the others..." you mumbled to yourself as you set out to get everybody together in the turtle. 

Everyone was sitting down in the turtle including Polnareff. Abbacchio was slouching with an arm over Bucciarati's shoulders, chugging wine. Bruno kept trying to snatch the bottle but Abbacchio kept slapping his hand every time he tried to take his panacea. You were standing in the middle of the room with a malevolent smirk at the back of your mind.

"Well, I'm gonna get to the point, I'm pregnant."

Anime gasps of shock erupted through the room at the words. Glares were exchanged at all the males in the room except for Abbacchio, Bruno, and Polnareff. Polnareff fell off of the couch in the fetal position and started crying. 

"Y-you were so young! S-so innocent...WHY?!" Trish was at his side patting his hair to comfort him. 

"Wait wait wait. If you're pregnant, that means you had sex, right?" Narancia asked, confused. He received a fork in the face.

"So which one of us is the father?" Mista asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, who is it?" Fugo seconded the question.

"Okay how many of you have seduced my daughter?!" Bruno stood up clenching his fist revealing Sticky Fingers. 

Eyes were on you as you seductively walked towards Mista. Intense pressure was flooding over him as glares of hatred were focused on his soul. The bloodlust in the room was scaring him and he knew that not even Bruno, his own mother would hold back. But wait a minute, Mista hadn't seduced her...wait, had he? He couldn't remember. You were close to his face now looking like you were about to kiss him, but then your face lit up with a happy glow and you threw yourself on to Giorno who was sitting right next to him. 


"What! No I would never- Wait I don't remember, did I?!

"Mhm! Don't worry about a thing love, You'll be a great father," you said sweetly to him and kissed him on the cheek. Giorno was sweating harder than he ever had in his life. Abbacchio may have been drunk, but that didn't change the fact that he was more pissed off than ever.

He smashed his empty wine bottle on the floor leaving a sharp half wine bottle in his hand. He groggily stumbled like a drunk man, trying to reach Giorno. However, Mama Bruno could think and walk just fine and the fire in his blue eyes could burn your soul by just looking into them.

"Y-yeah, listen, your mom is about to rip my throat out, we need to get out of here." Giorno stuttered with clear fear in his voice.

"Oh he won't kill you, he wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"N-no I'm pretty sure he's going to-,"

"Did you seduce my daughter Giorno Giovanna?" Bruno was towering above him at that point. It was a miracle that he hadn't started pummeling Giorno into the ground yet.

"No." Giorno was trying to keep it together. He was being as honest as he could be. Bruno leaned over and licked his cheek, sending shivers down Giorno's spine. 

"This the taste of someone who's lying, Giorno Giovanna!" Giorno pulled out an uno reverse card.

Fugo was yelling at Narancia's stupidity, Trish was comforting poor Pol Pol, Abbacchio was still trying to make his way over to Giorno, You were sitting on Giorno's lap, and Bruno was about to beat the shit out of Giorno. 

"Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari!..."

"Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!..." 

punches were being blocked and not received thankfully. Abbacchio had collapsed on the floor and you grabbed a blanket and tossed it over his whole body. He was out for a while.

"Rest in peace, father."

"I swear I would never do that to your daughter!"

"How is she pregnant?!"

"WRRRYYYYYYYYYY," Giorno's speed of punching increased causing Bucciarati to be overwhelmed . Sticky Fingers grabbed Golden Experience's wrists and severed them by unzipping them. You quickly used Creed to push Giorno out of the way before Bruno could land a punch on him.

"Okay okay I've had my fun, it was a prank, mom."


"It was just a prank, I'm not pregnant yet."

Mama Bruno took a deep breath and fell down on the floor in relief. Giorno did the same and so did everyone else. You had truly scared everyone nearly to death. Pol was the only one was wasn't on the floor. You were sitting down against the couch and his body was flopped over your lap. He was no longer crying tears of "where did I go wrong" but of happiness. Bruno was cuddling one of Giorno's arms that he had unzipped like a teddy bear and Giorno was holding the other with his arm stumps.

Narancia and Fugo were still arguing and hadn't even been paying attention when you said it was just a prank. Narancia had four stab wounds and Mista was hiding in the corner with a cross and holy water. It was going to be a long rest of the day, but hey, it was the Italian mafia, there was never a normal day.

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