You Meet Jotaro Kujo

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I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry this didn't come out on Christmas! I really tried to get it out by then, but I didn't have the time unfortunately, sorry! Anyways, enjoy! 

You were sitting down on the couch in the large living room in Giorno's quarters with Mista right next to you along with Narancia on the other side. Abbacchio was sitting on the other side of the large corner couch with Fugo and Trish. Uncle Pol Pol the turtle was sitting on Trish's lap, sleeping cozily as she gently stroked his turtle head. The Christmas tree was glistening and gleaming with its many metallic and shiny looking ornaments that reflected the jolly red, yellow, blue, and green, lights that were twirled loosely around the deep green tree. It was quiet, and everyone was waiting for Bucciarati to return with Giorno. You felt the need to break the silence.

"I believe Mista has something to say to all of you." You looked dead serious and hoped everyone would fall for the fake news. Mista's eyes lit up with worry and he sat up, a sweat drip on his face.

"I-I'm pretty sure I don-"You do. Remember what we talked about last night? It's time to let them know."

Mista's mind started thinking of every possible thing he had ever done wrong, panicking. Everyone was watching him, now suspicious and wondering what he was hiding from them.

"What have you been keeping from them, Mista?" His eyes met with yours for a brief second and the glare you gave him pierced his soul and stress flooded through out his entire body. There was no getting out of this one for him, it was too late. 

"Okay, fine! I snuck into Giorno's quarters last night and put a spider in his-," Mista was cut off when the door to the quarters opened and closed. He sighed in relief, knowing that he was saved from finishing his sentence.

Bucciarati walked in wearing a red Santa hat and a large smile. His nose was slightly red tipped from being outside. Giorno followed with a Santa hat and a red, Christmas outfit to go with it! No matter what it was, Giorno always had a boob pocket...but the real question was why was his skin there always so shiny? 

"Alright, put these on, we're taking a picture!" Bucciarati forcefully placed the hats on everyone.

"No." Abbacchio was not about to have a Christmas hat forced on his head.

"Yes." Was his reply.

"No! You're not putting a Christmas hat on me." Abbacchio's was just as stern as his spouse's was. Bucciarati let out a dramatic sigh and turned his head with disappointment.

"Fine...then I guess I'll sleep on the couch tonight." It was a cute Christmas picture, especially with Abbacchio next to Bucciarati looking grumpy with the situation, a Christmas hat on his head.

You opened presents with everyone as Bucciarati filmed everyone and their reactions. Mama Bruno had the biggest smile spread across his face as he watched everyone receive their gifts. He really was the mother of the family...

Since everyone had gotten a gift for everyone, colorful torn paper was scattered across the room along with ribbons and bows. The final gift was opened by you, and inside it was a little box. Upon opening the tiny box, there was a small card that read Meet us by the exit of the mansion tomorrow at twelve o'clock p.m. you were confused, but whatever. You'd do what the card said. 

Later that day Giorno tapped your shoulder. You turned around to see Giorno and an even taller figure next to him. At first you were thinking he was an enemy stand user, but once you saw his white hat blending into his black, beautiful hair, you knew exactly who he was. 

"(Y/n), this is my great grandnephew,-"Jotaro Kujo" you finished his sentence for him. Giorno wasn't too surprised considering you payed close attention to Polnareff's stories. You were a smart cookie, that much was clear to him.

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