You learn what sex is

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You're eleven

"Hey dad."


"What's sex?"

Abbacchio started to choke on his coffee. It came out through his nose, and he winced in pain. He looked at you, and then fricking ran away.

You found him hiding in the corner of Bucciarati's quarters, with Bruno right by him, comforting him. Slowly stroking his head as Abbacchio cried, Bruno told him it was going to be okay. You approached the two.

"Uhm, dad?" 

"NO! I'M NOT MENTALLY PREPARED!" Abbacchio got up, did something like a t pose, and ran away with Bruno following. Bruno turned around for a moment, and yelled something to you.

"It's okay! I'll give him a croissant and then he'll be okay!"

You shrugged your shoulders, and went to Mista, who taught you how to stab and shoot drug dealers. It was rather fun considering the fact that you got to practice on Narancia who was wearing pillows all around his body. Mista demonstrated how to properly stab someone in the kidneys and showed you by stabbing Narancia. Mista handed you the sharp shining knife, and told you to go ahead and stab away.

You stabbed the pillow that was strapped to his side, and felt the knife pierce something that wasn't pillow. A red liquid started staining the white pillow. Narancia winced in pain, and fell down to his knees. You put your hands to your mouth and jumped down next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Mista laughed at first, and then realized it was serious. 

"N-Narancia? Are you okay?!" Guilt filled your chest.

"No! I'm most definitely not okay!" Unstrapping the pillow from his side, he revealed his red stained side. He cut open the pillow with the knife, and reached his hand into the stuffing, pulling out a Kool-Aid bottle, filled with red Kool-Aid. There was a slit in it, and the liquid had leaked out inside his pillow.

"Why." You asked, giving Narancia a death glare of certain doom.

"Well, Bucciarati doesn't let me have Kool-Aid at night because it has sugar, so I sneak it inside my pillows!"

You face palmed, got up, and walked away, unable to deal with the stupidity that was before you. 

You wondered if Bucciarati had fed your poor, sobbing, not mentally prepared, father a croissant yet. Bucciarati was there, stroking Abbacchio's head as he munched on a soggy croissant that was wet because of his tears. 

"There there mi amore, it's okay. You knew this day would come, and it's time. I can do it if you want."

Leone shook his head as maskcara streamed down his face through his tears. "I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." He mumbled. He stood up, wiping away his tears with a paper towel. 

"Uhm, are you okay dad?" You tapped him on the shoulder from behind. 

He screamed like a girl and sprung forward, hiding behind Bucciarati. Realizing it was just you, he blushed out of embarrassment. Bucciarati chuckled, and stepped out of the way, urging him to answer your question. 

Bucciarati sat Abbacchio down on a chair in the kitchen with you sitting right in front of him. He looked down, dreading every second of this wretched moment. He took a deep breath, looked up, and told you everything.

You were straight faced through every word. This information didn't stun you in any way. Your hands were clasped together, and you were leaning forward, nodding your head for every sentence that came from your father's lips. 

Bucciarati leaned against the wall, witnessing everything. He would smile at times to hold back a laugh because Leone was really bad at explaining things. Even Leone would chuckle at times. Eventually, he was done with explaining, and it was your turn for questions.

"Ooohhhhh okay, so is that what you and Mama Bruno were doing a few nights ago?"

The room went silent, and the room became hot. Bruno and Leone flushed red, and were at a loss for words. They decided it was best to tell you a slight falsification. 

"Nope!" The two of them said in unison. 

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Why would we do that?"

And the excuses kept coming, but you knew the truth. They couldn't hide it from you no matter how hard they tried. You stood up out of your chair, and hugged Abbacchio.

"Alright, I'm going for a walk to the park, I'll be back later."

"Uhm, okay?" He responded, confused at your simple reaction. 

"Arrevederci." You put two fingers up to your slightly tilted forehead, and left the room.

"She-she did the thing." Leone stuttered.

Tears of joy flowed from Bruno's blue shimmering eyes, as he kept mumbling to himself at how proud he was of you. He flopped onto the floor, used Sticky Fingers to open up the floor, and fell into the crevice below.

"Bucciarati?" Leone couldn't find Bucciarati, and he started freak out.

"Bucciarati! BUCCIARATI!?" and so the mental breakdown began. It was an odd day. And what you didn't know, is that Giorno spent the entire day with Kermit, his frog. 

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