Karaoke Night

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Snowfall certainly brought a variety of mixed feelings. Watching the life faded autumn leaves being coated in white sprinkles that formed a blanket of insipid snow returned the feeling of hopelessness. With sun beaming brightly against the white, you began to reminisce about puffy clouds. Though, what better to get your mind off of the long frosty winter that lay ahead then a karaoke night?

You hauled heavy speakers in both of your hands along with two mics that were staring to slip down to the turtle and dropped them next to the couches where Polnareff sat. His eyes brightened when they saw you arrive. The two of you had surreptitiously planned the night of fun for a week in advance. Still, nobody knew of your little secret, but they would find out in a few hours. "How's the TV setup going?" You asked as Polnareff fiddled with the remote.

"We're just about there..." he stuck the tip of his tongue out in concentration. "You sure everyone's free tonight?" Pol Pol looked back at you while the TV was loading a screen.

"Uncle Pol, I don't care if they're free or not, they're doing karaoke." You chuckled a bit to yourself and thought about coercing Diavolo into it. You had always wondered if he had a good voice or not. The man wasn't very patient with ignorance and made it fairly blatant, though Trish would always be willing to sing a tune with you.

You made your way back to the entrance of the turtle under the red bijou on the key and made your exit. You quickly eyed Giorno sitting quietly with serene expression on his face, a book in his hands. Compared to Diavolo, he really was a cutie in mafia boss shoes. You made sure to be quiet as you nimbly snuck up behind him. Raising up your head slowly, you reached your arm around the bench. "Boop!" You gently booped his nose and smiled.

"Hi, (Y/n)." Giorno turned around and returned your smile. "What is it?" Just the question you had eagerly been waiting for.

"Weeelllll, Polnareff and I have been planning somethin' for a while now..." you left him in suspense for a moment. "Okay so we planned this whole karaoke night thing to defeat the depressing grasp of winter that taints every pure heart with hopelessness and we bought all of the stuff to do the karaoke night but it required a lot of pain and suffering also a duck just to get our hands on the mics and speakers and we have a TV and Pol Pol's trying to set everything up but we're both worried that nobody will come and we-," Giorno pressed a finger against your lips and sweetly laughed a moment.

"Don't worry, amore. I'll make sure the others come." Your head screamed with excitement with how affable and lovable Giovanna was. You gave him a big hug and rushed back to your father's quarters. The door opened with a creak and revealed the scene. Abbacchio had Bucciarati pinned against the wall, kissing every spot available on the side of Bruno's neck. Soft Moans exited through slightly parted lips. Leone's hand slipped under his husband's leg and slowly pulled it up. You grabbed the popcorn ball that was in your pocket from earlier and took a bite as you watched the show. Alerted by the crunch of the snack, Bucciarati quickly turned his head in your direction, clearly shock stricken. He tried to get Leone's attention but was ignored as Abbacchio slipped his kisses down to Bruno's chest. You laughed to yourself as your mom raucously pushed Abbacchio off of himself. The moment he saw you laughing and chewing, he went pale, clearly aghast. Bucciarati quickly tucked his slightly raised shirt back down and tried to gather his composure.

"I was just going to ask, what's for dinner, mom?" You swallowed the rest of the scrumptious snack.

"U-uhm, what would you like?" He tried to hide the flustered blush that was sprinkled on his face. Abbacchio still stood in shock, not even bothering to clean his smeared purple lipstick.

"I was thinking something simple. How about spaghetti?" You yawned and combed your hair with your hands.

Bucciarati nervously nodded. "I think I could manage that."

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