Jailbreak: Aftermath and Aftermeth

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Let's do this boys. It's time.

(Y/f/c/d)- Your favorite caffeine drink-


Muffled screams echoed throughout the night, you assumed from the new kid: Doppio. Diavolo was doing his very best to assuage him, but clearly to no avail. Your eyes were wide open with thoughts clouding your head. Giorno's faint snores could be heard from the wooden chair he was still sitting in. Sleep he well deserved. Crepuscular sunlight brushed your face and you realized you must have only slept an hour or two. You got out of bed and sneakily made your way to the kitchen. Any caffeine would do, really, though you were looking specifically for (y/f/c/d). Sluggishly tearing through the cupboards, you found what you needed. The purple sacks under your eyes seemed to sag lower with every passing second as you prepared the drinks. Returning to your room, you saw Giorno rubbing his tired eyes. Perhaps he didn't get adequate sleep either.

"Here. I grabbed two." You held out the drink.

"No, really (Y/n), I shouldn't-,"

"Just drink it Giorno, please?" You goaded. He lightly smiled and took a few reviving sips. Shortly after the two of you were feeling just dandy.

You took a few looks around the quarters with low expectations. Clearly everyone was still in bed with agonizing injuries. Bucciarati had taken quite the beating, but still remained beside Abbacchio through the night. Apparently from what you had heard from Giorno that morning, Abbacchio had had his eyes seared blind with fire and his eardrums burst with metal rods. A few fingernails were missing, along with a few gunshots in his legs and burn marks embedded into his back. Trish was with Jolyne at the doctor's office checking to see if the baby was okay. Maybe that was the most stressful part of the night since you had clearly been grinding your teeth.

You found yourself back in the kitchen, now with Mista and Diavolo waiting for some (y/f/c/d) with their heads burried into their limp arms. Giorno was asking questions, most of which were answered with mumbles. Diavolo finally put his head up and answered a few questions about Doppio.

"I don't quite know what the hell happened...But, it seems he was at that prison for as long as I've been here. That could only mean that when you, (Y/n), brought me back, his soul was pulled from the afterlife and out into a body of his own. Where that body came from...I'm not sure... Though, with how traumatized he his, he was probably shot, beat, and raped weekly..."he flopped his head back down. Giorno sighed and took a few more sips from his drink. You placed hot/cold (y/f/c/d) in front of the two in which they drank in an intrepid amount of time. Mista lifted his head.


"MMMMMMMM. DAS SOME GOOD STUFF MY SPECTACULAR LITTLE DUDE," Mista pulled shades from under his hat and slid them onto his nose. He did finger guns at you in which he received only stares. "I'M GONNA GO CHECK ON OUR LITTLE PINK FRIEND, HOWZIBOUT IT DIAVOLO MY GUY, MY PAL, MY CHUMMY CHUM PAL, MY AMIGO, HUH?" He took a huge step forward, default danced, and ran out the door before anyone could stop him. Giorno and you gave confused stares at Diavolo.

"What?" He sneered back.

"He's going after Doppio...You know that right?"

"AH SHI-,"He followed close behind. 

"Well, I suppose it's time." You grabbed Giorno's hand.

"I'll show you the world, Giorno!" You yanked him outside and pointed at the sun in a melodious tune. "Grab my hand! We'll go on an adventure!" You used Creed to speedily zip you too across to the city and by one of the biggest towers. You used the shadows to pull yourself up the several story building. "High in the clouds where the AiR iS aS cLeAr As My CrInGe SiNgInG vOiCe!" That's when it came to your realization that there was no more building to climb. Truly, you were in the clouds, and falling for your bloody life. 

"THIS IS NOT HOW (Y/N) DIES." You turned around to face the clouds and what would eventually be the ground. "Okay never mind...Giorno, if you're hearing this, I want you to know, I've always loved yo-..." Giorno was falling alongside you, waiting for you to finish your line. "I've always loved your hair curls. They just...mmm," you bite your lip and did an 'okay' sign with your hand.

"(Y/n)?" Giorno grabbed his phone from his pocket.


"How did you happen to get us into this predicament in less than five seconds? I swear, you can be pretty vexing at times...

"I'm sexy and fine?" You called back in pure confusion.

"W-what? No! I said you can be vexing at times!" You exited the clouds.

"I didn't know you felt that way! I don't know how to feel about this!" You watched the ground approach.

"Questo ragazza..." he mumbled. "(Y/n), catch!" He unhooked one of his lady bug pins.

"I'm fat?! That's not very nice! I didn't take you for the insensitive type!" You watched the pin fly towards you. An extended hand caught it. Suddenly, the pin sprouted large black feathers, and two sharp talons wrapped around your arms. Giorno swam through the air to get a grip on the bird in which he successfully managed before the two of you hit the ground. 

"Man, we have a lot to talk about Giorno..."

"Mama Mia...Just pretend I said nothing, alright?" He glanced over at rosy cheeked you. There was silence. "You heard everything I said, didn't you?"


"That figures..."

"Also, remember how you kissed my hand before we ran the jailbreak?" You asked schemingly.

"Yes..?" Giorno held an awkward expression.

"And remember how you caught my kiss and put it in your pocket and said, 'I'm saving it for later'?"


Your feet touched the ground and the pin transformed back into a ladybug.

"Then that means I have to give you back your kiss for when I'm older!" You sweetly pressed your lips against his cheek, and disappeared into the shadows, leaving him stunned in the streets of Italy.


"AYYO MY LITTLE GUY, WHAT'S HANGIN BROWSKI???" Mista pointed a cap gun at the screaming child curled up on the couch. "AWWW THAT'S NOT A VERY OKIE DOKI EXPRESSION YA GOT THEIR BUCKAROO."

"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Doppio screeched and pushed himself further into the couch and away from MistaDawg: Homie Supreme.

Diavolo cleared his throat from the background. Mista turned around only to see the heinous snarl lurking on his death's face.

"LIKE, THAT AIN'T VERY CHILL MY HOMESLICE BREADSLICE MAN." Mista felt a viscous hand take a tenacious grip around his throat, fiercely throwing him to the floor. Diavolo got on top of him and threw a fist into Homie Supreme's face.

"Oh Daddy~ Moooore~," Mista smoothly caressed Diavolo's abs and chest.

"THE HECK?!" Diavolo got off of him, and brushed his hands off on his pants.


"Yes, little one?" He turned around, trying to hide his fury.

"He uhm...his breath smells like...meth." 

Diavolo's line of a mouth turned into a smirk, and then a malicious grin. He turned on his phone. And sent a text to the one, the only, Drug Slayer.

Mista smells like meth and scared the living hell out of Doppio. Wanna beat a bitch? He sent.

Steal his nose, and put in in a jar. I'm out of frog food. Also, yeah. Break his shins first. Those are his weak spot. Drug Slayer replied.

And when Giorno got home, they beat him so much, he no longer had skin or a nose.

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