You say your first word

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(F/f)- favorite flower 

It had been nine months since Leone Abbacchio brought you home. You got all the attention you wanted, and you were happy. Bucciarati gave you lots of attention to. He always made funny faces at you, making you belly laugh with glee.

Right now, a guy with red, white, and blue clothes, with a funny hat, pointing down at his big mouth, a guy or girl you weren't sure with an orange cloth wrapped around his messy black hair and a weird looking black shirt, A doughnut boi, a lady wearing thot clothes with pink swirly hair, and a boi with cheese holes all over his green outfit, were crowding above you. You were strapped to your carrier and you were sitting on the bench outside. They were all saying random words.

"Say Fugo, come on you got it!"

"Tch, she's never gonna say your name. It's not as cool as Narancia!" The girl boy turned from the cheese man to look at you with a smile, telling you to say "Narancia".

The cheese boy called Fugo mumbled something about grabbing a fork and Narancia started running. Bucciarati was sitting on the bench next to you watching Giorno, Mista, and Trish trying to get you to say their names. Giorno eventually took a pebble off of the stone floor and turned it into a (f/f). He carefully set it in your soft baby hands as his gorgeous green eyes shined happily at you.

"Hey (y/n)! Say Mista!"

"She isn't going to say your name if you yell at her," Trish elbowed Mista. "Plus, she has four limbs," Trish gave a devilish look at Mista as she malevolently said those words.

Mista ran for is damn life while Trish tickled your chin, making you show of your cute pink gums. Abbacchio finally came out of his quarters. He was putting the milk in the fridge.

"Why are you all crowded around (y/n)?" He asked. He walked over to Bucciarati, Trish, Giorno, and you. He leaned back into his Jojo pose.

"Well, Giorno and Trish are trying to get (y/n) to say their names. Mista, Narancia, and Fugo were attempting it to, but Fugo is trying to stab Narancia with a fork, and Mista got scared because (y/n) has four limbs," Bucciarati looked at you and than to Leone.

Bucciarati unstrapped you from you from your carrier and put in Abbacchio's arms. Abbacchio did a rocking motion that made you giggle. You reached your little hand up, and gave a good tug on the gray hair that was swaying in front of you.

His purple-yellow ombré widened and he bit his lip. He couldn't say "ow" in front of Giorno. He couldn't look weak in front of Giorno. Damn he hated Giorno, he wasn't about to let him know that it hurt to have his amazing hair pulled on. He gently lifted his hand and removed your hand from his delicate beautiful hair.

He handed you off to Bruno who was happy to take you. You fiddled with the zipper on his sleeve and laughed as you did. The remaining gang members watched you, happy, because you were happy. 

And then it happened. You started to mumble. Everybody was listening very closely. You formed the words in your mouth, and spoke them.

"Mmmm-mm. Mama...Bwuno." You giggled and looked up at Bruno. His blue eyes, now filled with fear. He knew that when you two were alone, he shouldn't of taught you that. Abbacchio had tried to get you to say daddy many times. And now, Bucciarati would have to run.

He quickly and gently handed you off to Trish, and ran. As he was running, he saw Mr. Polnareff the turtle. He snatched him up and zippered both of them through the wall into Bucciarati's quarters with Abbacchio hot on his trail.

He quickly put himself in the turtle and instructed Polnareff to hide. So Polnareff did, right under his bed. They were waiting now. 

Bucciarati explained what had happened to Polnareff and he laughed. But he was also surprised that nobody had ever told him that Abbacchio had adopted you. He asked many questions about you to Bucciarati.

Bucciarati ended up staying in the turtle for the rest of the day and night. Abbacchio was cuddling with you in his quarters, still sad that your first word wasn't "dada" or "daddy". 

You rested in his arms as he watched television. His sad mumbling made you sad. You started to make a sad face, when Abbacchio immediately brightened his face, making your face brighten. He was good to you. You loved him.

"Tomorrow, we're gonna go see exactly what Bucciarati said to you when I wasn't around, with Moody Blues," he said while tickling your belly. "Oh Bruno... you bastard... you're a good friend."

Sorry this one was short. I was bored so I wrote it up real quick before I went to the store to get some chickie nuggies. Thanks for reading. I would love any requests from you guys. Thank you for all the votes on the last two chapters 😊❤️.

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