You Time Travel

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You were chilling with your daddio and mommio on the couch watching a movie. It was ten o'clock at night and you didn't know why your parents weren't trying to get you to go to sleep. Maybe it was because it was family bonding time? Either that or Abbacchio was just happy that he could cuddle with Bucciarati.

Suddenly, your stomach began to ache like there was no tomorrow. Dizziness infected your head and you placed your hands on your stomach and winced. Abbacchio and Bucciarati took notice of this and sat up in concern. 

You stood up only to fall to your knees and scream in agony. By that time, the both of them were on the floor by your side with hands on your back. It felt like several knives were being repeatedly stabbing into your stomach. Breathing became harder and harder and your hearing was fading. 

"(Y/n)! What's happening, what's wrong?" Bucciarati was going into a bit of a panic and bit his lip. Soon, you were seeing two of him, and your eyes shut. You felt like your body was consumed by a mighty ocean and you weren't ever going to be able to resurface. Everything went completely blank.

When you awoke, you were in a warm city, a big one filled with the light of lampposts and buildings. It was nighttime and you found yourself in what seemed to be a bush. You had a killer headache, but besides that everything was back to normal, well except for the fact that you were in an entirely new place. 

Upon standing up, you heard the sound of a stand. Slowly poking your head out of the bush, you saw a man with a worried and stern face. His hair was white and look like a giant baguette on his head. He was wearing dangling heart earrings and there was no doubt about it. This man, was Jean Pierre Polnareff. His Silver Chariot (which you had heard stories about) was pointing it's sword directly at your face. Why did he have legs and why was he living? Why did he have his stand again?

"H-hey, Uncle Pol, it's just me."

"I've never met you in my life! I don't have time for a pesky kid like you, and what do you mean by "Uncle Pol"?" This Polnareff wasn't very nice...also, how did he not know who you were??? Realization struck you. Maybe you had refused to believe it in the first place, but you were in the past. Polnareff (legs addition), was about to fight Dio. 

"I know you don't know me, but you will. But heed my words, please," you said, hoping to change history. You figured it wouldn't do any good, but it was worth a shot. You needed to warn him of future events. 

"Dio can stop time, Polnareff. Also, your friend Kakyoin is going to get punched through the stomach by DIO's stand The World, fly into a water tower, and die."

Polnareff wasn't paying attention to you anymore. Instead, he looked back at who must have been Jotaro Kujo, the stand user of Star Platinum. Dammit, welp, he'd have to learn the hard way. 

The terrible feeling came back to you and it felt like death was placing it's hands on your shoulders. With another wince of pain, you threw yourself in the bush to avoid being a distraction for the duo Crusaders. 

You woke up again by a sunny beach. The rock plates under your feet were ragged and and edges causing you to be uncomfortable. Looking up, you saw crimson red dripping from a flat, large, chunky, rock. Peaking around the corner, you saw three figures. Hey, it was Bucciarati, Giorno, Mista, and Narancia! Before you moved, you realized you might have been in the past again. 

"Wait, Bucciarati!" Narancia held a hand out and ran towards Bucciarati who was walking away from him. Tripping, he started screaming with agony in his voice on the floor. It wasn't, it was extreme grief and frustration. Mista and Giorno began walking away from Narancia as well. You wanted to jump out from your hiding spot to go comfort him. It wasn't like them to just leave a comrade in such a poor condition. Usually, Bucciarati would have comforted him, what the hell man?

"Screw time travel rules..." you mumbled to yourself and stood up. You didn't even take one step when you saw why Narancia was crying. The sight was burned into your brain forever. Abbacchio 's body was laying on the stone table. A huge circle of missing flesh was on the middle right part of his chest. His purple to yellow ombré eyes were a lifeless gray.  His entire body was drenched in his own blood.

Quickly ducking back down behind the table, you covered your mouth. Tears flooded from your eyes as you tried not to make a peep. The thick red liquid that had been dripping onto your clothes and hands had been your father's blood.

You couldn't keep it in anymore, you took your hand off of your mouth and wailed. Mama Bruno,  Mista, and Giorno all turned back towards the rock you were hiding behind. They ran towards it, stands out. When they looked behind it, all they could see was a small puddle of tears.

Each time travel lasted for about thirty seconds each, but even then the time was shortening with each time travel. You were taking in too much information at a time. You saw a glimpse of Kakyoin flying into the water tower, you saw Fugo become a traitor as the boat sped away into the distance, you saw Iggy chewing out Polnareff's hair, you saw Mr. Joestar and Avdol- you turned away before you could scar yourself more, and you saw what seemed to be older you. You were shooting someone in the head with the pistol Mista had gotten you for Christmas with Abbacchio menacingly laughing. You were even wearing purple lipstick and your hat thingy. You slightly chuckled at the sight of blood and brains spraying everywhere. 

With one last time travel, you were back to what you knew. You were laying in bed as if the whole thing had never happened. Maybe the whole adventure had taken thirty minutes? Twenty? You weren't sure. Everything was still replaying in your head over and over again. 

"Well, that was weird," you mumbled to yourself as you got out of bed. You heard angry muffled sobs from the other room. Quietly cracking your door, you saw Abbacchio, furiously sobbing with the thought that his baby girl had disappeared for all eternity.

"Shit, shit, SHIT! SHE'S GONE, BRUNO! HOW COULD I HAVE LET THIS HAPPEN?! WHERE THE HELL DID SHE EVEN GO?!" He squeezed his other hand, digging his fingernails into it. Blood was slowly dripping from it. No, you couldn't see him bleeding again. Dammit you were going to have PTSD. 

You ran from your room and into his arms. You held your head close to his heart, making sure it was beating. He was fully stunned. He sobbingly chuckled with relief and cleared the tears from his eyes. He hugged you close and didn't let go. Bruno was right next him doing the same.

"W-what happened? What the hell was that?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Besides, you wouldn't believe me anyways... you thought to yourself. Abbacchio didn't even care at that point, he was just glad you were safe.

Bucciarati took notice of your hands. "Hey, what happened?" He held up one of your hands and showed you. They were still covered in blood from the awful scene you had witnessed earlier. So it hadn't been a dream, obviously. 

"I don't know."

Bucciarati knew you were lying, but he'd get back to scolding you about lying tomorrow. While you got ready for bed, your parents followed you around the house, making sure you weren't going to disappear again. They forced you to sleep with them that night, and to be honest, you were just fine with it. You cuddled close to your dad, unable to sleep.

What had caused the time travel? Why was it just you time traveling? Why did you see Abbacchio's dead body? Questions flooded your head, but you knew they would never be answered. Another hour passed and you decided that you were going to sleep. You closed your eyes, and slept, awaiting many questions in the morning.

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