Your first steps

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Leone Abbacchio picked you up out of your crib as you wriggled up and down, clearly wanting out. He set you carefully on the ground, knowing that you would crawl after him wherever he went. You were a speed demon when it came to crawling. You could keep up with anyone who was walking. Of course, when you were crawling Abbacchio would always keep an eye on you to make sure you didn't get hurt.

"Come on (y/n)," Abbacchio called for you. Your gorgeous (e/c) eyes lit up and your pink gums showed. Your healthy, short, (h/c), hair sat on your head and your rosy cheeks lifted when you smiled. You rocked your body back and forth, excited. All you had on for clothes, was a diaper.  

You lifted one hand up slowly as Abbachio watched. You put it down fast and speedily crawled towards him, giggling the whole time. He crouched down and gave a muffled chuckle. He put his finger on your chin. 

"You're a funny one (y/n)." You rested your adorable face on his finger. He stroked your chin and gazed into your innocent shimmering eyes. His own were elegant, filled with happiness. He looked down and sighed.

"So innocent... for now."

He kissed your head and told you to follow him. You did and the both of you arrived at Giorno's boss quarters. He had a mini mission for Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Abbacchio was only doing the job because Bucciarati had asked him to go with him. 

As Giorno was explaining the details, you crawled outside. Abbacchio was still watching you as he listened to the IMpoRtAnT DeTailS of tHe Oh So ImPORtanT miSSiOn ThAt GIoRnO haD foR ThEm. Damn, Abbacchio would rather be swallowing a cup of his infamous tea than listening to Giorno right now. At least the job was the next day and not today.

Mista walked by and saw you. He walked over to you and picked you up, smiling as he did. Poor Mista had no idea what to with you.

"Hey there princess!" He said smiling brightly at you. He rocked you on his hip a bit.

"Okay now you're being too weird," Trish elbowed him again. "Geez, stop elbowing me." Mista turned from Trish and tickled your cute, little, baby, belly. You let out a belly laugh and a little drizzle of saliva dripped from your shining pink lips. 

It fell onto Mista's gun that was in his pants. His heart had been struck. His gun, had been drooled on. What now? What would Mista do? You had shown him your ability to make him utterly sad. What other wonders could you do?

Mista fell to his knees in defeat. For he, Guido Mista, had been drooled on. He had been defeated, broken, from the moment those shimmering drops touched the tip of his gun. 

He put you on the ground and pounded on the floor. "WHY CRUEL WORLD?! WHY HAVE YOU LET THIS HAPPEN TO ME!?" I knew it! She has four limbs, and I decided to ignore that for one moment! And now... now, I've been drooled on!"

Trish kicked Mista over onto his side and picked you up. "It's okay hun. Hairy fingers over there can't hurt you anymore." She stared over at Abbacchio."

"Hey Abbacchio! Can We take (Y/n) for a walk?" Abbacchio turned over to Trish and made a disgusted expression at poor Mista who crying on the floor. "Yes, but be careful."

"And put some clothes on the poor kid!" Bucciarati called after Trish who was dragging Mista who was wearing a sad expression. Spice girl was holding you, her emerald eyes staring into your own. You smiled and spice girl's expression was painted with surprise.

"Damn it Mista! Stand up! We're taking (Y/n) for a walk!"

"Fiiiinnnne." Mista got up and took you to put some clothes on you. You fiddled with the hair on his fingers as he carried you ever so graciously to his quarters.

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