You accidentally get drunk

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It was early in the morning. Abbacchio was in bed and you weren't. You were bored sitting in your room, waiting for something interesting to happen. Being an impatient child, you got out of bed, and went into the kitchen. 

A bottle filled with a liquid that looked interesting sat on the table. Slowly taking it, you swirled it around; an aroma emitted from it. You had seen Abbacchio drink the liquid before and handle it like a man, so you figured you could do it to.

Without even letting the taste kick in, you chugged half of the bottle, and felt a burning feeling in your stomach. The taste kicked in and you coughed with how strong it was. Reading the label, you saw you had just drunken half a bottle of strong vodka. Dammit.

U-uhm...Mista! He drinks a lot! He'll know what to do! You thought to yourself. Immediately and quietly as possible, you got up, and ran to Mista's quarters. 

You silently opened the door, and silently closed it. Mista wasn't in the kitchen eating ice cream like normal. You were too lazy to look for him, so you did what any child who was going to be drunk in t-minus ten minutes. 

"MIIIIIISSSSSTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" You did your best impression of bullet number five impression. A sound came from his bedroom. It was his mumbling. 

"OI! Who's screaming!?" Mista screamed. 

Running into his bedroom, upon seeing the sight you saw, you turned around and went back out of the room without stopping,. Mista didn't have a shirt on and was sitting up. His hat wasn't on either. You had truly been scarred for life.  

After Mista had gotten dressed he rushed into the living room of his quarters. You were sitting in the corner rocking back and forth with Creed by your side patting you on the head, comforting you. What had been seen could never be erased from your brain. 

"Oh come on was it really that bad!?" He said in a sad tone.

"Well maybe if you got your chest waxed it wouldn't be..."

"Hey! Maybe I will! Also, why are you here!?"

"I chugged half a bottle of vodka and I'm going to be drunk in a few minutes. I'm already starting to feel the alcoholic effects creeping up on me."

"You. Did. WHAT?!" 

"Well, I'm saw a bottle on the table and I'd seen dad drink it before so I thought "Hey why not?"

"(Y/n), I can't believe you've done this."

Thirty minutes later, you were stumbling around like an idiot. Mista didn't know what to do with you, so he figured if he got drunk too, he couldn't be blamed for whatever happened. So, Mista drank the other half of the bottle that was in Abbacchio's room.

The two of you saw Polnareff the turtle, jumped into the red shining jewel on the key in it's back. Polnareff saw the two of you, and rushed over, punching Mista cause he was in the way. 

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) what happened!? Are you okay?" He shook your shoulders a bit as you had a drunk expression on your face. Something was funny, you didn't know what, but something was funny. You started laughing so hard. 

"Oh...oh no. You didn'" He came to the realization of what might have been going on, and became scared.

"M-(hiccup)mhm! Aaaannnd it waaasss really tastyyyyyyy!" You did jazz hands and then asked, "ya like jazz?"

"What? Yes, I like jazz, now sit down, I'm going to grab you a bucket and some water."

"Bucket! That's a weird word....kinda sounds like cutlet. L-like a pork cutlet!" Mista had passed out on the couch as you sat down mumbling on about randomness. Narancia had been sleep walking, and fell into the turtle, quickly waking up. 

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