"Arien will be there. He'll keep a careful eye on, Niven. And besides... he'll bring us back some souvenirs, won't you, little brother?"

Niven launched himself out of his seat, scurrying over to Levi and jumped on him, giving his brother a large hug. He squeezed tight, happy that he actually gave his approval.

Simeon looked at the two of them with disbelief in his eyes. He wanted to refute once more until he saw Levi snaking an arm around Niven's waist, giving the male a gentle but caging hug with a dark glint in his violet eyes. He glanced over to Simeon, slowly holding a finger up in front of his lips which curled into an abnormal smile.

His twin didn't say anything after that. He leaned back in his chair, allowing Levi to continue patting their brother's back in a soothing manner until he pulled himself away from Niven.

With a somber smile, Levi asked, "You promise to be good?"

"Aren't I always, brother?"

Levi was quiet for a long time, merely basking in the boy's radiant smile. He only lifted his hand up right behind Niven and brushed his fingers through the golden locks. He played with his hair for a moment until his hand trailed down and over to cup the student's cheek. Niven was still unaffected with the gesture, not realizing that other people might've mistake it as an action of affection toward a lover instead of a sibling.

Firmly, the Royal said, "Okay, I'll make sure to inform Lord Uriel of your trip."

"Thank you, Levi." Niven's grin grew wider. Levi's smile grew twisted at the sound of his brother thanking him.

Unexpectedly, he coaxed the boy, "Come here, sweetness..."

Domination was used without Niven knowing. Obediently, he came closer to Levi and tilted his down a bit, letting the Royal press a chaste kiss on top of his head. It was short and wouldn't even be considered as a kiss, merely a peck, but Levi settled his chin on top of Niven's head as he closed the distance between them once again to pull him into a hug.

Simeon's skin crawled with the need to involve himself, but Levi gave him a warning look not to intervene and let him have his moment with Niven. There was a flash of desperate and addiction in his older brother's eyes when he hugged Niven tighter.

Niven only mistook that as Levi being worried and reciprocated the action, hugging him back tightly as well.

When they finally parted and Niven had to go and retrieve his baby from Silas, Levi and Simeon quietly watched the student depart from the sanctum and head back to the main building.

Once he left their sights, Simeon turned to Levi and scoffed, "You're insane. I really can't believe you let Niven go just for one kiss."

Levi raised an eyebrow at him. "If you wanted one as well, you should've said so earlier..."

"Fuck no."

The moment Simeon heard Levi giving his approval, he knew the bastard was up to something. His twin just couldn't help himself to simply bathe in Niven's warmth, wanting to ease the boy into his arms and using his ability to kiss him on the head. Levi was much too eager to have Niven all to himself these days and his greed was showing vaguely.

But he still couldn't figure out the real reason why Levi agreed. It couldn't just be for one kiss and a hug.

Sensing his brother's discomfort, Levi firmly stated, "He'll need us soon."

Simeon gave him a questioning look, not fully understanding what he meant. Levi didn't say anything else and got up from his seat, fixing his tie to head on back inside their dorm room without waiting for his brother.

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