Chapter 30.

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Hey beautiful(s), sometimes things don't go according to plan, sometimes it goes according to the truth :)

Warning : Slight steamy scene ahead (not much).

Also, all the places mentioned in this chapter do exist in real life and are not fictional.


      "Hoonie, I am nervous. What if he won't allow us to be together? I can't live without you." Jake said almost on the verge of crying. Sunghoon didn't like how his boyfriend was so nervous. "Baby, hey, look at me. I am perfectly sure that he will allow us to be together. You don't have to worry about that. I will be there with you. Okay?" Sunghoon calmed him down.

      They both went into the Si-hyuk's office, Sunghoon holding the door for Jake. Ni-ki and Sunoo are going to talk with their CEO tomorrow. "Sunghoon-ssi, Jake-ssi, it's pleasure meeting you." Bang said giving a warm smile to the couple which calmed Jake a bit. "We are actually here to talk about something." Sunghoon carefully worded out. "Oh yes. Your manager told me that you want to talk about something." Si-hyuk softly said. Their manager knows about them and Sunghoon had took prior permission for their relationship.

      "Actually." Sunghoon started but he too was a little nervous. Both of them looked at each other, gulping and too afraid to speak anything. "It's fine. Speak freely whatever you want." Bang comforted. "We are here to tell you that Jake and I are together." Sunghoon calmly stated. Jake looked down on his lap, playing with Sunghoon's fingers.

     "Congratulations both of you." Jake looked up to see their CEO smiling warmly at them. "Y-you are not an-angry at us?" Jake asked, his puppy like eyes looking at Si-hyuk. But Bang laughed, "Why would I be angry at you? We don't have dating ban in our company. And I somewhat already knew this with the way you both behave around each other." Jake and Sunghoon blushed at the last statement but Sunghoon cleared his throat, "So it doesn't matter if I am dating a boy?"

      "No, it doesn't. You can date whoever you want, doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl." Si-hyuk calmly stated, "But now you will have to be more careful around cameras until you want to come out." The couple looked at each other before nodding. "Don't worry. Even if you can't behave, the editing team will edit your some of the moments. I know it can be difficult to stay away from your boyfriend." Well, they are blushing too much today.

      "Thank you, hyung." Both of them thanked Bang PD for his continuous support. Si-hyuk swatted his hands in thr air, "I am happy for you both. Just don't give up on each other." Both of them nodded, bowed him goodbye and then made their way to their vocal training since they were preparing for their next album. Sunghoon wrapped his hand around Jake's hand but Jake quickly unwrapped it again, "We can't hold hands in building." Sunghoon raised his eyebrow, "I will hold no matter what. Atleast they will know that you are taken." And went back to hold Jake's hand again.

      Jake shook his head and Sunghoon's possessive nature. "No one is gonna take me away from you." Jake whispered. "They can't, not when I am holding onto you tight." Sunghoon casually said back leaving Jake a blushing mess. But don't mind him, he secretly likes Sunghoon being possessive of him and he too doesn't want anyone who is not Sunghoon.

      "So boys, as we are shooting another Enhypen&Hi, you all will be taken to a secret location where you will be staying for 2 days and 1 night so make sure to pack your bags. And also you will be leaving 27th November. Today is 23rd so you have 4 days left." Their manager hyung informed making all of them excited and happy to have a 2 days break from their daily schedule.

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