Chapter 4.

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Hey beautiful(s), life may get tough but remember you can only see rainbow when it rains. So cheer up and keep going. You'll get what you deserve :)



Jake was shocked to see Sunghoon standing outside the dorm. Wasn't he supposed to be at his home? Why is he here? Did something happen? Many questions filled Jake's mind. He couldn't understand why Sunghoon was standing in front of their dorm.

"Won't you let me in?" Sunghoon asked. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry." Jake said and moved a little so that Sunghoon can come inside. Sunghoon kept his luggage near the wall and sat on the floor since they still don't have sofa. "Why are you here, Sunghoon? Shouldn't you be at your home with your parents? Did something happen?" Jake asked in a worry tone sitting beside Sunghoon as well.

Sunghoon let out a laugh before squishing Jake's cheeks since he looked too cute, "You worry about me too much." Sunghoon let go off Jake's cheeks and continued, "I came here because I didn't want you to be alone in this dorm. No matter how much you said that you'll be fine but I couldn't help but worry about you."

Sunghoon looked at Jake's puppy like face. "You didn't have to. I was fine by myself. You should have enjoyed with your family." Jake said feeling a little guilty that Sunghoon had to leave his parents because of him. "I couldn't enjoy when I know that you are here all by yourself." Sunghoon said caressing Jake's cheeks.

With the look that Sunghoon was giving Jake, he went shy and averted his eyes from Sunghoon. "So what did you do all day? And why does this dorm look much cleaner?" Sunghoon asked. "I cleaned it. And about what I did, after you all went I again went back to sleep then I had a phone call with my parents then I cleaned the dorm and now I was watching a movie until you came." Jake said giving all the information about what he did all day.

"Ah okay. Wait. You didn't had lunch?" Sunghoon worried. "No I did." Jake quickly said knowing Sunghoon would worry about him. "And what about dinner?" Sunghoon asked. "I didn't realise the time since I was watching movie, so no. What about you? Did you come after having your dinner?" Jake said. "Actually no, I had to leave early from since the traffic gets worst in the evening so I too didn't have my dinner." Sunghoon said.

Seeing that they both were hungry, they decided to order something since both of them were too lazy to cook something. "I'll take a bath until food arrives." Sunghoon announced. Jake nodded and then Sunghoon went to the bathroom to freshen up. Jake continued with his movie.

After about 10 minutes, the door bell rang indicating that their food arrived. Jake opened the door, took their dinner and paid him. Jake was setting up the dinner when Sunghoon came in the living room. They both decided to eat dinner while watching a movie in the living room rather than the dining table. "Food arrived." Jake announced to which Sunghoon nodded.

Both of them were quietly eating their dinner while watching the movie. The movie finished as well as their dinner. "I will wash the dishes." Sunghoon said. "Okay then I'll clean up here." Jake said. Sunghoon nodded and both of them did their jobs.

After cleaning up the living room, he went towards Sunghoon who was still washing the dishes. "What did you do when you were at your home?" Jake asked. "When I reached there, I was hugged so tightly by my mom that I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then I met my dad. We talked about how happy I'm to finally achieve my dream and proving them that this is the right path that I've chosen. Then I talked with my sister, played with Gaeul, had my home's lunch after such a long time, relaxed for a bit and then came here. That's it." Sunghoon replied. By now he had also finished washing the dishes.

"What should we do now? I'm not sleepy." Jake said. "I too am not. How about we watch a horror movie this time?" Sunghoon offered. "But we both are scared of horror movie." Jake said. "It wouldn't hurt to see one time." Sunghoon said. Jake thought of it before quietly agreeing still not sure if he should watch the horror movie or not. Jake brought the blanket and pillows so that they'd be more comfortable but he brought only one blanket, only his.

"Oh, I only brought mine. Wait, I'll bring yours too." Jake said while putting the blanket and pillows on the floor. As he was about to go to their room to grab Sunghoon's blanket, a hand clasped against his wrist stopping him from doing so. "No need. We'll share yours. Come here." Sunghoon said setting up the pillows. Jake agreed since this is not the first time they both are going to share a blanket.

Both of them were comfortably sharing the blanket and watching the movie, or more like only Sunghoon watching the movie and Jake practically hiding his face in Sunghoon's chest. Sunghoon had his arm wrapped around Jake's shoulder while Jake's hands were tightly gripping onto Sunghoon's sweatshirt. In a way, they both were cuddling each other which they themselves aren't aware how did they end up like this in the first place.

If I say that Sunghoon wasn't enjoying this, I'd lying. He was enjoying more than anything. "Boo" Sunghoon tried to scare Jake more which only resulted into Jake hitting his chest and saying not to scare him and being all pouty. Sunghoon only laughed at him because the elder looked so cute. The movie came to an end and Jake separated from Sunghoon which both of them didn't want to but Jake had to because the moment he realised which position they were in, heat crept his cheeks.

"W-we should sleep now." Jake cursed himself for stuttering. Sunghoon looked at the time which read 12:36, "Yes, it's too late. By the way, do you know when are the members arriving?" Jake shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Don't know but most of them are arriving in the evening." Sunghoon nodded and both of them proceeded towards their room carrying their blanket and pillows.

"Good night, Jake." Sunghoon said climbing up towards his bunk bed. "Good night, Sunghoon." Jake said back while trying to sleep. But he couldn't. He felt as if someone was beside him. See, this is the side effect of watching a horror movie at night. Now, he couldn't sleep. He doesn't know what he should do but one thing was sure, he was scared shitless. After much thinking, he decided to ask Sunghoon if he could sleep beside him but why was he feeling so shy, he doesn't know.

After gathering strength, he climbed down of his bed and made his way towards Sunghoon's. Sunghoon felt someone trying to wake him up which wasn't hard since he was not sleeping. He opened his eyes to see Jake looking at him with puppy eyes. "Can I sleep here? With you? Please." Jake said. "Why? Is my Jakey scared?" Sunghoon teased. Jake knows Sunghoon was only teasing but 'my Jake' did something to his heart.

"Please Sunghoon. Please please please." Jake pleaded showing his puppy eyes to Sunghoon since he knew the taller couldn't resist it. "Okay okay. Come here." Sunghoon said opening his arms and making some space so that Jake could sleep. Jake slept besides Sunghoon before Sunghoon covered both of them with the blanket and wrapping his arms around Jake's. They exchanged their good nights and drifted off to dreamland in each other's arms.


Welp, a chapter only dedicated to Jakehoon. I hope you liked it. Please ignore any mistakes or grammatical errors or kindly correct me :)

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