Chapter 7.

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Hey beautiful(s), you will meet many types of people in your life. They will be some who will be promising you to stay with you in difficult situations while there will be some who won't say anything but we will help you in everything. Make sure never to lose them :)


      The next day Sunghoon was the one who woke up early due to direct sun rays falling on his eyes. He groaned before opening his eyes only to see Jake still sleeping peacefully while clutching his swearshirt tightly. Sunghoon unconsciously smiled at the sleeping figure beside him. He thought that the older must be too tired so he let him sleep for a while.

      He carefully retreated his arms in order to not wake up the other. Once he was successful, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a bath. Jake woke up a while later while Sunghoon was still in the shower. Though he was awake, he still lying in the bed. Too lazy to wake up and snuggled more into the pillow.

      After about 3 minutes, he heard the bathroom door being unlocked and Sunghoon stepped out while trying to dry his hair. Jake who was lying on bed, slowly rose up. From Sunghoon's perspective, the older looked so cute with messy hair and puffy cheeks indicating that he just woke up. The taller wanted to squish the the latter's cheeks so much.

      "Good morning." Sunghoon greeted. "Good morning." Jake greeted back before continuing, "You should have woken me up." Sunghoon placed the towel on the hanger for drying before saying, "You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb you. Did you have a good sleep?" Jake nodded and said, "The best. This pillow was so soft to hug. I cuddled with it the entire night." Sunghoon smiled because he knew that it was not the pillow he cuddled but him, but Jake doesn't need to know.

      "Go freshen up and then we'll leave." Sunghoon said. Jake nodded still in his sleepy mood. Jake went towards their bags to take out his clothes. "What should I wear today?" Jake asked himself but Sunghoon heard him so he came near Jake and said,"Let me choose your clothes." Jake not being aware of Sunghoon behind him got startled. "Ah you scared me." Jake said while playfully slapping Sunghoon's arm. Sunghoon just smiled at him and took out his clothes for the day. Taking the clothes Sunghoon chose for him, he then went to take a shower.

      After showering since Sunghoon was ready, Jake quickly readied himself and then both were off to meet the other members in the lobby. Once they reached the lobby they saw that they were the first ones there but not even a second later, they saw a blond haired boy and a red haired boy making their way towards them.

      "You are not late today." Sunghoon teased once Heeseung and Ni-ki reached. "We are not always late hyung. We had our reasons yesterday." Ni-ki said. "Sure you both had." Sunghoon again teased. "Okay enough. They both are here that's all matters." Jake said silencing them. "See Jake hyung loves me." Ni-ki pouted and then went to hug Jake. "Ofcourse I do, Ni-ki." Jake said hugging back and patting Ni-ki's head. "So you don't love me?" Sunghoon asked in an offended tone but Jake knew he was far from being offended. "I love you too. I love all the members." Jake said grinning to Sunghoon.

      Not long after, the trio too arrived and then they all were off to their set since they were going to shoot for their trailer today. Once they reached the set, all of them were requested to change in their respective outfits. They first started filming their individual videos and after it was done Jake and Jungwon had to film the neck biting scene. Since Sunghoon was the last one to shot his individual scene, he stayed on the set to see Jake's and Jungwon's scene.

      When they began filming, at first it was hard since they were being so awkward but they grew a grip afterwards. Seeing Jake trying to bite Jungwon's neck, Sunghoon had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach which he very well knew what it was but let it go since they are doing this for their album and not in real life. After the scene was done, it was now time for their group scenes. They had to take many retakes since anyone would keep laughing or making mistakes but at the end, it turned out pretty good.

      After shooting, the boys went to have their lunch after changing their outfits. "What do you all want to have for lunch?" The eldest asked. "Jajangmyeon." Both Sunghoon and Jake said at the same time. "Soulmate culture." Jay said. All the members gave a comfused face to Jay since none understood what he meant. "Engenes call Jake and Sunghoon as 'soulmates' since they have so much in common and are always together with and for each other. They also have their ship name which is 'Jakehoon'." Jay explained to everyone.

      "Wahhh!" Jungwon exclaimed. Jake could only blush from the new information whereas Sunghoon just smiled widely since he knew that. "They also call Sunoo and Sunghoon as Tom and Jerry duo since they both are always bickering." This time it was Ni-ki who gave the information. "No lies they are really always bickering." Jungwon said. "That is because Sunoo always annoys me." Sunghoon joked. "Huh! I do not. It is you who annoys me." Sunoo said. Now, they both were on a debate on who annoys each other the most.

      "Okay okay. Let's end it here. We need to order something fast and then we have to shoot for our MV too." Heeseung said in order to calm down the tom and jerry duo. All of them gave their orders what they want to eat. After a while their orders arrived and they all had their lunch to the fullest. They all sat in the car to go to their next location.

      Their next location was at some kind of a desert place (a/n : I don't know where they shot this so forgive me). After they reached their location, all of them were again asked change their outfits. After changing their outfits, all of them started shooting their scenes. The sun had now rested and the weather was getting chilly now. But they had to shoot their night scenes too. They were now in their white outfits with jackets so it made them bear the cold for a while.

      As soon as shooting was done, they all huddled up in the blankets provided to them since it was getting more and more chilly. All their faces and nose were getting red due to cold. "Ah I'm still too cold." Jungwon said shivering slightly. "Here. Take mine. It'll warm you up." Jake said removing his blanket and giving it to Jungwon. "No hyung. You will catch a cold." Jungwon protested but Jake still wrapped up Jungwon. "I'll be fine. It's just a little cold." Jake assured him but in reality as soon as he removed his blanket, he was hit by the cold gush of wind.

      Sunghoon saw this and he went towards Jake and wrapped him in his blanket from behind. "We will share this one." Sunghoon said hugging Jake tightly. Jake felt blood rushed to his cheeks. Both of them were comfortably sharing the blanket with Jake holding the blanket while Sunghoon hugged him by his waist from behind.

      After a while they were called again for the next scene. After completing all the scenes for the day, they thanked their staff and took the car for their hotel. In the way; Jake and the maknae line fell asleep. The maknae were all asleep in the back while Jake had his neck on the seat. Sunghoon saw and thought that Jake is not gonna be comfortable and was going to have a neck pain as soon as he wakes up so he gently laid Jake's head on his shoulder.

      Once they reached the hotel, Jay woke up the maknae line while Sunghoon woke up Jake. All of them departed towards their room without speaking anything as all were too tired to speak. Once they reached their room, Jake immediately flopped onto the. "Jake atleast change your clothes." Sunghoon said. Jake woke up with a groan, changed his clothes and again went to sleep. Sunghoon too went to sleep besides Jake once he changed his clothes. Once Sunghoon was beside Jake, he immediately curled up into the taller." Good night, Jake." Sunghoon said and drifted off to sleep.


Yes, they did most of the shooting in one day (≧▽≦) don't fite me on this. Also, thank you to ni_07213 for giving me the idea of letting Jakehoon know that Engenes call them soulmate (^◡^)

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