Chapter 1.

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Hey beautiful(s), it might feel like it's always night and we'll always be alone, but the night is always darker before the first light of dawn :)


     "The first member who got 5th place in global ranking and now being a part of debut group is... Lee Heeseung."

     "The second member who got 4th rank in global ranking securing his place is... Ni-ki."

     "The third member who got 3rd place in global ranking and now being one of the members is... Jake."

     "The fourth member who got 2nd place in global ranking, who got the chance to debut is... Jay."

     "The fifth member who got 1st rank in global ranking securing his place in the debut line is... Yang Jungwon."

     "The sixth member who 6th rank in global ranking and now being a part of final debut line is..."

      The remaining I-landers, K, Sunghoon, Sunoo and Daniel were in such an insecure situation. All of them looked so terrified at the thought of not debuting. Sunghoon felt like he couldn't do anything else if he didn't get the chance to debut. He was on the verge of crying but what he didn't know was someone in debut line was as terrified as him, for losing him and not getting a chance to debut together and he was Jake.

      Jake was constantly looking out for Sunghoon's name to be called out. Don't understand him any wrong, he wished for everyone to debut but he needed his bestfriend by his side the most. Sunghoon couldn't look at anyone but the floor. This was his only chance to debut. He left his figure skating, his old friend, to debut as an idol. And if he fails in this, he doesn't know what he'll do.

      "The sixth member is... Park Sunghoon."

      Sunghoon felt like crying. He was finally debuting as an idol. He was finally fulfilling his dream. In the debut line, Jake was no less. He was so happy that he felt like he could burst from excitement. Jake felt so contended having his best friend besides him. He hugged him when he came to the debut line.

      "The seventh member, who is chosen by the producer, who will be finally debuting as a member of Enhypen is... I-lander Kim Sunoo."

      The seven members were now a part of the group, Enhypen. They were happy as well as sad to leave their close friends behind. But it was not in their hands. All the I-landers met behind the stage to bid their friends and colleagues one last goodbye but with the promise to meet again soon.

      Everything happened so fast and before they know they were all in the make up room to touch up and shoot their introductory video. Everyone was so nervous that they were tongue tied and couldn't pronounce well. "We'll keep improving #@&!?" Being so nervous, Jake couldn't form his sentence well but the others found it cute, especially Sunghoon who was watching with eyes so endearing that he himself doesn't know.

      "The I-love we received.." Sunghoon started but since thet were feeling so edgy, he himself struggled with completing his sentence, but the other laughed it out since no one was in the right state of mind.

      They were now on their way to their dorm. All of them were so excited that the smile didn't left their faces. Sunghoon sat in backseat with Jungwon beside him and then Jay and then Heeseung while Jake sat in the front seat with Sunoo on his left and Ni-ki on his right. They all talked about how now ranks and popularity doesn't matter and now they are a team, a team which will only move forward.

      Soon, they reached their dorm and started checking out their now new home. After checking out, since all of them were hungry, they decided to eat their dinner. "We can watch TV now." Jake suggested. "I'm gonna watch I-land." said Jungwon which everyone agreed since all of them wanted to watch I-land.

      Soon, all the members were seated on the floor and started watching their own show. The episode started with the entry of Sunoo, Jake and Youngbin. "He's too cute." Sunghoon thought when he saw Jake on the screen. The members joked around at how Sunoo and Jake has changed since the past 3 months. Now it was Jake's turn to be fascinated by the entry of Sunghoon. "Wow. He's too handsome." Jake thought.

      It was now the scene where Jake and Sunghoon first interacted when Jake thanked Sunghoon and Jay for putting their hands up and voting for them. "Why were we so awkward?" Jake laughed out. "Well, your first interaction was awkward but now look at you both. You are close than any one else here." Jay spoke up. Hearing this both the best friends did their connection sign with their fingers.

      Jake went to drink water since he was feeling thirsty and also to check up on Ni-ki since he can't watch after 10 because of curfew. As soon as Jake stood up to make his way towards kitchen, Sunghoon immediately had his eyes on the latter. The taller constantly kept his eyes on the other which Jay noticed. "He'll come back soon. You don't need to check up on him every few seconds." Jay said. "I'm not." Sunghoon defended. "Yeah, and I'm blind." Jay rolled his eyes at Sunghoon which the latter ignored.

      After a few minutes, Jake came back and since his previous place was filled, he had no choice to sit where there is an empty place, which is beside Sunghoon's since Heeseung, who sat there preciously, went to munch on something. Jake sat down besides Sunghoon and all of them continued to watch I-land.

      They all were so into watching that they themselves don't know when they completed episode 3 and started watching episode 4. Jake, being too tired started feeling drowsy and he yawned which Sunghoon immediately noticed. "Are you feeling sleepy?" He asked Jake to which Jake nodded and tried to keep his eyes open.

      "I feel like we should stop here. We have to wake up early tomorrow. And the maknaes should also get enough rest." Sunghoon said to everybody. All of them agreed, changed their clothes and went to sleep in their respective beds.

      Sunghoon didn't say this only for Jake, okay? Nope. He cared for everyone there. Understood?


Hey everyone, since this is my first chapter I know some of you may find it boring. But I swear I'll improve it. Also, English is not my first language, so if there is any mistake or grammatical error please ignore it or better if you can tell me politely (⌒‿⌒)

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