Chapter 8.

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Hey beautiful(s), you are amazing just the way you are. You don't need to change anything. Remember you are valid, pretty and important :)


      Sunghoon woke up with sun rays hitting on his face. He opened his eyes just to close his eyes again because of the brightness. After a few seconds, he again opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his hand but felt a weight on his other arm. He looked to see that Jake was using his arm as a pillow while facing away from him. In a way Sunghoon was spooning Jake. He carefully removed his arm and propped up on his arm to take a better view on Jake.

      Some of his hairs were covering his face so Sunghoon lightly removed them, a smile automatically covering his lips. Before Jake could wake up, he went to the bathroom so that be can freshen up. After showering when he came out, he saw that Jake had still not woken up.

      He went towards Jake's bed and tried to wake up Jake, "Jake, wake up." Sunghoon said lightly brushing Jake's hairs. Jake stirred in his sleep before opening his eyes and seeing Sunghoon. "Good morning." Sunghoon greeted. "Good morning." Jake breathed out. "You sleep quite well here." Sunghoon said. Jake nodded, "The pillow is too soft here that I can't help but cuddle." Sunghoon was grinning after hearing what Jake said. "Don't worry. The pillow will come with you to our dorm. But for now go get ready we leave in 50 minutes." Sunghoon said. Jake couldn't understand the first half of the sentence but he let it go thinking he's still too sleepy.

      Once both of them were ready, they headed off to the lobby where they decided to meet their manager. Fortunately, no one was late today and all of them, packed in one car headed off to their destination for today. They were gonna do their concept photos for today in a forest like area. They all changed into their concept outfits as soon as they reached there. First they all had an individual shoot. The line up was first Jay then Ni-ki then Heeseung then Jake then Sunoo and then Sunghoon and at Jungwon.

      After they completed their individual shots, which they again had to change their clothes, it was now time for their unit photoshoot which was Heeseung and Jay in one unit, Jake and Sunghoon in one and lastly the maknae line. The same being the order of the line up. Heeseung and Jay went first but had trouble opening their eyes due to smoke. After going to so much trouble, the two eldest finally completed their shoot.

      It was now time for Jake and Sunghoon. They had to lay down on the grass and shoot, but Jake being scared of bugs was unsure to do so. "C'mon Jake." Sunghoon gently pulled Jake towards him as they both were holding hands. "But Sunghoon-ah, bugs." Jake whined. It was then Sunghoon realised that since Jake was scared of bugs, he was contemplating to lie down or not. "Don't worry. I'll be there. Okay?" Sunghoon softly said to which Jake nodded.

      Both of them lied down on the grass while holding hands. They started their photoshoot but it was difficult since sun rays were directly hitting their eye and there were a lot of bugs. After much difficulties, they both too completed their shoot and now it was time for maknae line photoshoot. Without much difficulties the maknae line immediately completed their photoshoot.

      It was now time for their group photoshoot which they really enjoyed and gave their best. All of them were now going to their car since their manager was going to take them to their hotel again. They had to go down a steep slope in order to reach their car. Heeseung, Jungwon and Jay were walking at the very front, then Ni-ki and Sunoo and at the back were Jake and Sunghoon. "Ah too tired. I feel like my legs are about to give up." Jake whined while climbing down the slope.

      Hearing this Sunghoon immediately stopped him and crouched down in front of him. Jake didn't understand what Sunghoon wanted to do. "Climb up. I'll take you down." Sunghoon said. "No. It'll be too much trouble. I'll be fine." Jake said not wanting to bother Sunghoon. "Jake." Sunghoon said in a stern tone. Jake knew he had no choice now so he jumped up on Sunghoon's back. "You are so light. I'll make sure you eat properly now." Sunghoon said to which Jake pouted and said, "I do eat properly." Sunghoon shook his head and made a mental note to feed Jake more.

      Both of them reached their car at last and Sunghoon gently put Jake on the ground. "Why were you carrying Jake hyung?" The youngest asked. "Because Jake was feeling tired." Sunghoon said. All of them let it go since all knew that Jake and Sunghoon were really close with each other. But they didn't know that they were so close that they would cuddle. I mean Jake too didn't know that, only Sunghoon did.

      All of them huddled up in the car. "We'll stop by to get you lunch and then to your hotel." Their manager announced. "Okay manager-nim." All the boys agreed. The boys kept chatting around until they reached the restaurant where they were supposed to have their lunch.

      The boys quickly ordered their respective dishes since all of them were too hungry. After a few moments, their order came and all of them ate it peacefully and shared it with others or more like Sunghoon and Jake shared their dishes while others only ate their's.

      Now, since they finished their lunch they were given free time to do anything that they want but in the hotel due to their privacy. They all reached their hotel and decided that they'd all be together in one room which they decided to meet in Jay, Sunoo and Jungwon's since it was the largest among them all, but they first agreed to change their outfits first into some simpler ones. All of them departed their ways and promised to meet in one hour.

      Sunghoon and Jake reached their room, washed their faces and quickly changed into their pajamas. Jake was wearing a thin white t-shirt with checkered pajamas while Sunghoon was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt with his pajama. "Jake, you'll catch a cold if you go like this. We aren't directly going under the duvet that you wore this clothes. Wear something on top of this. Wait." Sunghoon worriedly said and then went to his bag to pick out something.

      "Wait. What is this jacket doing in my bed? Didn't I give you this when we were coming to Jeju?" Sunghoon asked. Jake sleepily smiled, "I thought you'd want it back so I put it in your bag." Sunghoon sighed, "Did I ask you for this jacket?" Jake shook his head, "Then? Wear it and don't remove it now unless I tell you to. Okay?" Jake quickly nodded and wore the jacket and then they were off to their meeting place.


You may find that this is going too fast (about Jakehoon) but don't worry, after a few chapters you'll understand it. Also, please follow me :/ Please ignore any mistakes or grammatical errors or kindly correct me :)

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