Jungkook had surrounded the couches in blankets and pillows, all with his own scent and the few lasting scents Yoona had around the house after so long away. He had held them every night for months now, not quiet able to hide his excitement for his mate to be home again. The eagerness of how he'd set up the burrow for them both showed just how much he missed Yoona, he knew he had a lot of apologising to do after their first and only conversation since she'd been in hospital. Jungkook also knew that Yoona could have a fear of hybrids after everything she'd been through, but he was willing to do anything he could for her, willing to make everything perfect for her.

They both heard it, the rumble of a large car that had become familiar to them pull closer towards the house. Yoongi smiled towards Jungkook, happy Yoona was home before it dropped, see how Jungkook looked scared. His ears stood tall atop his head, his nose twitching, his head bowed in almost shame, as if he were to go upstairs now.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi moved around the burrow to stand in the hall towards Jungkook who refused to meet his eyes. "She'll be happy to see you. So come out and help her in."

Jungkook shook his head, his hands in fists, feeling his nails dig into his palms as he shifted his weight on both legs; "No, I'll just... I'll wait here."

"Jungkook, I told you she was coming home as a curtesy." Yoongi growled slightly, catching the bunny's attention now. "So you will come out here and you will see her. No more running."

Jungkook's leg bounced, Yoongi could easily hear the grinding of his teeth from where he stood as they both heard someone closing a car door. Jungkook nodded and started to walk towards Yoongi before he heard another door opened, followed by his family coming to greet Yoona. Yoongi didn't have to prompt Jungkook now, the bunny running outside, needing to stop his family from getting to close to Yoona in case she needed help. Even Yoongi made the quick decision to get outside to watch as Reyna opened the door to Yoona.

"Sweetheart, your really here? How are you?" Mrs. Astor asked as she saw Yoona from the car, sitting against the door.

"Stay back." Jungkook's voice caused the hybrids to jump, turning to see the elusive rabbit running towards him. "After everything she's been through, she doesn't need a welcoming committee."

"Oh... we didn't think-"

"None of you ever do." Jungkook moved between them and the car, slipping into where Reyna once stood to look down at Yoona, pulling the hood over his ears. When his eyes finally meet Yoona's, his breathing almost stopped, it was like seeing the sun for the first time, she was really here. Jungkook tried to smile, securing that his hood would move he leaned a little further into the car so they could whisper. "I can let Reyna help you in, get everyone back into there house?"

Yoona finally spoke the words, the words both of them needed; "Please don't leave me."

He hand reached out to his own, fingers wrapping around his larger hand, a strained smile on her lips as she stared at him wide eyed. Jungkook nodded before leaning back a little to look at Yoongi, gesturing towards everyone, a signal that he needed to get them all away. Yoona was going to get all his attention, but he needed to make sure everything was good for her, that she was safe and happy before anyone else.

"Okay everyone, let's go back home. Yoona needs rest and quiet." Yoongi announced, glad that Hoseok had showed up from patrol, and with one look he was helping Yoongi to get everyone away from the car. Hoseok didn't question Jungkook half in the car and half out, he didn't question Yoongi moving everyone away, nor Reyna moving towards the trunk of the car as Jungkook stayed in position. He just had to clear everyone away from Yoona, knowing first and foremost that her well-being was the most important. "She still can't deal with hybrids, you all need to get out of sight until we get her inside."

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