Chapter 1: "A Pirate?"

Start from the beginning

    He let out a throaty chuckle, “A pirate?” He sounded bewildered.

    “Of course a pirate!”  I replied earnestly. 

    “I promise to you that I am not a pirate!  Nor a rapist or kidnapper.”  He held up his hand in oath.  I couldn’t help but let a small smile make it ways to my lips.  I snapped the latch on the window and opened it carelessly.  He elegantly jumped from the fire escape to the floor in my apartment.  After he was standing in the room, I shut the window swiftly, closing off the cold March air. 

    Moving from the window to the light on my bedside table, I switched it on and turned to get a good look at the mystery man.  He was standing in the middle of my room, gazing at everything in it.  His eyes held something that looked like childish amazement.  Awkwardly, I cleared my throat, his eyes snapped towards me and lost the original amazement to be replaced by a sheepish grin.

    “I’m really sorry about this but- Oh what’s that?”  I quickly lost his attention and now it was occupied by the small, golden telescope on my white desk situated by the wall.

    I walked over to his side and grabbed it from his eager hands. “That, is my telescope.  Please don’t touch my things.”  His face immediately fell and I sighed, handing back the delicate piece.  A silly smile found its way to his thin lips.  He laid it back on the desk ever so gently. 

    “What was I saying?”  He asked me, scratching the back of his head, his blue-ish eyes looking confused.

    “I think you were going to explain why you were on my fire escape.”  I answered, crossing my arms and giving him a stern look.

    “Oh, yes, that.  Well see, I was walking back to my hotel room and I was spotted by a group of fans…I didn’t have security with me so I panicked and climbed your fire escape, leading me to your window.  They weren’t leaving so I figured I would at least come in, instead of freezing my ass off.”  He stated simply, like that should make so much sense.

    “Why were they chasing you?”  I figured I’d ask the most obvious question first.

    “Don’t you know who I am?”  He questioned dumbfounded.

    “Can’t say I do…”  My answer received a weird look from him.

    “I’m Louis Tomlinson.  1/5 of One Direction!”  He said with a huge grin while spreading his arms out wide.

    “One Direction?  Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of them!  They are all over the magazines and what not!”  I understood quickly and realized how familiar he looked.  I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it in the first place.

     “Yup that’d be us…”  He answered casually.  He strolled over to the window and looked down.  A small sigh escaped his lips and his eyebrows knotted together in concern.  “Great…they may be there all night.  Is there a back door to this place?”  He turned around swiftly with a look of pride in his quick thinking.

    “Yup!  Lets get you out of here.  I have to work tomorrow and I want to get to sleep.”  I answered sharply and walked out of my dimly lit room, down the hall, and out my flat door with Louis close behind. 

    “I’m sorry for waking you…”  The sincerity in his voice made me stop abruptly causing him to bump into me. His face was hung low, “Sorry again.”  Although he had to be about twenty, his actions reminded me of a child.

    “Its fine, just come on.”  I said with a small smile, walking the rest of the way to the bottom floor in silence.  Once arriving at the heavy door, I turned away and directed my hands to the door.  Before he grabbed a hold of the door handle he bit his bottom lip lightly.  “I never did get your name.”  He stated, his blue eyes meeting my fierce green.

    “Exactly, have a nice night Louis Tomlinson.”  I grabbed the door knob and pushed the door open, a vicious, biting, cold wind blew in from outside causing my blazing hair to whip around my face.  He stood there speechless for a short second before bowing curtly, “It was a pleasure meeting you…”  After his bow he slipped out the door, slipping into the roaring wind and darkness. 

    What a character he was…

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