14. The Onset of A Storm

Start from the beginning

“Go on…” Taehyung suggested again when Ha-yoon came up seeing the omega’s pale confused state “what is going on Taehyung?” She inquired again being rather worried about the odd circumstances “if he is here to remain protected then it is our duty to ensure that he doesn’t feel threatened…and more importantly, this is no way to treat an omega” she argued against her son’s crude ways and turned her soft gaze at the completely troubled boy “come with me dear, you look rather pale…let’s get you something to eat first” her words made Jin look at her with thankful eyes as he meant to follow her but was stopped.

Before Jin could walk away Taehyung grasped at his wrist, eyes hard against the omega’s “I said go inside” and Jin could feel that Taehyung was intentionally trying to intimidate him to make him listen to him.

It wasn’t helping at all that the alpha’s pheromones were wrecking havoc on him right now and no matter how angry he got his omega seemed to anticipate everything around as dangerous, making him want to coil into himself and not take up fights, especially against the trueblood. Sighing he turned to walk inside, denying to stand there to have a cluster of eyes watching the scene while inwardly devising ways to get out of there as soon as he could manage.

“What a moron” Jin grumbled under his breath stomping inside but suddenly froze, eyes taking in everything in that large room.

It was clean, lavishly furnished and rich drapes hung against the glistening stone walls…the setting was nothing out of the ordinary but what shook him was the overpowering scent in the room…an almost suffocating musk of pine and amber hung in the air that made his stomach feel funny.

“You may make yourself comfortable” the deep voice spoke right behind him and Jin flinched a bit before turning about to watch Taehyung with apprehensive eyes.

“Is this y-your chamber?” He asked in a small voice making the other halt who was heading outside to call onto his most trusted attendant to make sure Jin is not let out of his chambers till he returns.

“Is that a problem?” “Oh very much so!” Jin spoke trying to follow behind Taehyung “this room doesn’t suit my preferences at all!”

Taehyung turned about with a frown, ready to snub the cocky prince for being a fussy snob.

“Well, forgive me but I have more important things to cater to than decorating my room” Taehyung jibed making Jin gulp but he was resilient to get out of there, the overpowering scent in the chamber made tingles rise all over him.

“I’d like the room for the guests. I’m sure you have one here…” he tried his luck making the other raise an eyebrow at him, the alpha now understood that Jin was only trying to get out of there because it was his chamber.

“Nope…we don’t really have guests coming in here, so there’s no such rooms” “That’s absurd!” Jin whined looking very displeased with the info “aren’t castles supposed to have many rooms?! Give me any other!”

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest to see the omega be a loud-mouthed trouble yet again and watched Jin with a dead set glare “I’m sure you had lived all your life having whatever you demanded but that’s not gonna happen anymore…here I make the rules” he walked closer to the other with slow threatening steps, he was too pissed to deal with Jin’s tantrums right now “and if I say you stay here means you stay right here! I don’t want to hear another squeak out of you!

Jin froze, he could not even keep his glare up against the rude alpha as he realized his omega had completely cowered down. His fears had come true, the trueblood’s commands seemed to be working on him now that his omega was out and about without the restraint of the scent blocker. But it was Taehyung’s angry pheromones that suddenly affected him, making his omega shut down his defences completely, rendering him helplessly frozen in place.

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