I decided to head to Dumbledores, I wanted to distract myself from my feelings and focus on my other problems.

I walked quickly to his office and whispered the password.

"Miss Snape hello." Dumbledore said not surprised at my presence.

"Professor Dumbledore, I am having an issue." I said as I sat in a chair and sighed.

"Would you care to explain?" He asked looking at me.

"You know how when I am in intense pain I get a vision with it?" I said as I slouched in his chair.

"Mm are you not having visions?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"No and it keeps lasting longer and longer." I said annoyed with myself.

"I think I know what is happening." He said standing up from his desk and going to his bookshelf.

"I knew you would, so what is it?" I asked as I anticipated an answer.

He grabbed a book for his shelf and walked back over to his desk. He placed the book in front of me.

"You seem like you are trying to distract something from yourself." He said as he kept the hand on the book, not allowing me to open it.

"Nope, I am peachy today." I said conjuring up a fake smile.

"You look stressed." He replied as he clasped his hands together.

"Well yeah, I am stressed about this whole pain thing." I said with a slight laugh.

"Right, of course." He said as he eyed me curiously not believing a word I say. "Go to page five-sixty-four."

I looked down at the book and quickly tried to find the page, once I did I looked back up at Dumbledore.

"Read it. That should have the answer I believe." He said with a smile.

I looked down at the page and started reading it.

The Tinsley family is known for their power in divination, but sometimes a vision does not appear while in pain. This is because the devil is trying to show a vision that their brain refuses to allow them to see. The vision is so painful and heartbreaking that their brains will block it, which causes more pain.

The only way to make it less painful is if a Tinsley fights their brain and allows the message to come through.

"I- I don't want to see something that horrible Professor." I mumbled quietly.

"I know Gemini, but in order for it to be better you need to allow yourself to see what is happening." He explained calmly.

"How?" I asked nervously.

"The next time it happens tell yourself that you can see it. Your brain is trying to protect you. Do not allow it." He said to me as he leaned back in his chair.

I nodded my head and then stood up from my chair. "Thank you sir." I said as I walked near the door.

"Oh and Miss Snape.." I looked back at him. "..Talk to him."

I gave him a confused look until I knew what he meant. "How did you-"

"I have know you since you were born, I can tell." He said standing up and walking around his office. "Have a good day Gemini."

I slightly gulped and then left the classroom. I headed towards the Gryffindor common room hoping for some silence.

"Miss Myth, why are you out of class?" Umbridge said as her, Draco, and Pansy stepped out in front of me.

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