"Oh, that's a bit sad, but hey, seeing as you're here, I'm guessing he let you out." The boy stated. "What flavour?"

"What do you suggest?" Athena asked him, not really knowing what to get.

"I personally like the Blue Shock Mountain Dew, but the normal Mountain Dew tastes pretty good as well."

"Get me the Blue Shock one."

"Nice choice." He turned around, putting the cup under the machine and turned the nozzle. Having noticed her accent, the male's curiousity decided to take the lead. "Are you from around here, or..?"

"Oh no, I'm from London actually, but during the holidays, I come here to New York. Well some holidays." The boy filled the drink, placing a lid on top and giving it to Athena. "Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome, now you just got to pay it." He smiled. He then nudged his head "Do you want to sit with us for now? We can chat while we finish our food and you can finish your drink."

"Sure, that'd be fantastic." Athena had quickly paid for the drink, then stepped back to the booth the boy and his friend was in. She placed her bags on the empty side of the booth, then sliding in. "I never got your name by the way. I'm Athena Black."

"Ned Leeds," Ned introduced, then pointed to his friend, "and this is Peter Parker."

A smile graced her lips. "Nice to meet you boys."

"I-It's nice to meet you too." Peter stuttered, placing a small nervous smile on his face.

"So you guys live around here?"

"Yeah, just a block away." Ned answered, taking a bite out of his hotdog.

"Brilliant." She sipped on her straw. The three had chatted after that. It took a while for Peter to start talking, but he eventually did. Around half an hour later, the phone that Tony had given to Athena had started ringing. "Shoot, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you two, maybe I can come here again sometime and see you two."

"It was nice meeting you too," Ned smiled.

"Yeah, sad that you're leaving, but we had fun." Peter stated.

Athena smiled. She got out of the seat, and grabbed her bags. Just as she left the shop, she could hear one of the two say, "Shoot! We forgot to ask for her number!" But didn't understand what he meant so she just kept walking and answered the phone.

"Heyyy, Uncle Tony." Athena answered the phone.

"Do you know what time it is?" Tony's voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

Athena brought out her wrist, checking her watch. "Erm, like, quarter-past four."

"You've been gone for 5 hours!"

"Sorry- I got carried away." She said sheepishly, trying to find an alleyway with nobody around. "Let me just find a place to teleport back to the tower."

"No! I'll just send Happy-" Athena found an alleyway as soon as he spoke that sentence, teleporting as she walked in. The girl was immediately met with an exasperated look on his face, muttering the last word through gritted teeth. "-There."

"Heyyyy," Athena smiled innocently, her tone nervous as she watched Tony's furious glare look at her.

───── ❦ ─────

After all the yelling Tony had given her, the girl had gone to bed. She teleported back to Black Residence the next day, not using the floo anymore as she was getting used to her powers more and more. She was also able to manage her other power now, only struggling to activate it to dodge an item being thrown at her - for example, bullets.

She had been training with Nat with her powers, being able to use and control them at the right time. Nat would throw objects at her, she would either catch that object, use her intangibility, or move out the way. The first and last were natural instinct, she was supposed to be learning to control her powers.

However, she would be lying if she said that using her newfound powers were exhausting. She still hadn't gotten used to how much energy it would take out of her, and if she were to run out of energy, she knew that she would somehow muck up the process. Hence why her stamina training were upgraded; both mentally and physically. She wanted to be able to use these powers with ease as soon as possible, so with every opportunity she got, she would practice it.

It was around noon when she teleported back to her house in London, the news she was about to receive mildly unexpected.

"We're moving?!"


━edited -siriuslycv 2023©┕━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┙

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

━edited -siriuslycv 2023©


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