"Just admit it you were jealous black bird." He said to me.

I gave him a side eye and then turned my attention back to my paper. "Never." I laughed out.

"What are you doing tonight?" Draco asked me.

I gave him a curious look. "Nothing, why?"

"Come hangout with me and my friends. Then you can see why you shouldn't be jealous of Pansy." He said to me as he nodded his head over at his friends.

I thought about it for a second. "Okay I will come, not because I am jealous of Pansy but because I have nothing else to do."

He shook his head slightly and I could see a tiny smile form on his lips.

"Do you ever get jealous of the twins?" I asked suddenly.

He looked over at me questionably. "No, not really. I know that they are your best friends. I could never imagine you with either of them."

"Me either." I said grossed out just thinking about dating one of them.

"Could you ever date Pansy?" I asked.

"Fuck no. She annoys me more than you annoy me." He said shaking his head.

I smacked his arm lightly. "I am not annoying." I huffed out.

"You are." He said to me. "But you're cute so it makes up for it. Plus you're good in bed."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but laugh.

I wanted to ask what he needed Astoria for that day on the train but I kept my mouth shut knowing it might start an argument and since I was in a good mood today I did not want to ruin it.

"I have to go, but I will see you tonight?" He said to me.

I nodded my head yes. He smiled at me and then ran back over to his friends.

Draco Malfoy's POV

"You invited Gemini?" Blaise asked me as we were walking to the common room.

"Yes." I said to them as we entered the dungeon.

"Doesn't sound like pushing her away." Theo said standing on the other side of me.

"I am trying, but it's like something keeps pushing me back." I confessed to them.

"What are you in love with the girl or something?" Blaise asked right before he mumbled the password to the common room.

"Fuck no." I laughed out as I stepped behind Blaise into the common room.

At least I don't think I am.

"There's no problem with being in love." Blaise said after he realized how I said 'no'.

"There is every problem with love." I said as I sat down on the couch.

"Like what?" Theo asked as he sat in an arm chair.

"It's weak. I have seen what love has done to people. They are always cuddled up and happy. It looks disgusting." I said with a disgusted face.

"That's because you don't know what love is." Blaise said shrugging his shoulders.

"And you do?" I scoffed.

"Well I am not scared to love Draco, my mother taught me that." He said raising an eyebrow.

"It sounds stupid." I muttered.

"I think you're scared to get hurt." Theo said butting in.

"Hurt?" I scoffed. "No girl could hurt me."

Black bird Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant