"Whatever." I said to him as I turned my attention to the window.

I was pushing all feelings I had for Gemini away. What my father and mother said just keeps playing in my mind. Maybe they are right.

"This is a good way to lose a girl." Theo said to me.

"You think I care?" I spat at him.

"Yes. I think you care." He said to me calmly.

"What the fuck makes you think that?" I asked him as I shook my head.

"I saw you two on New Years Eve. You cared. Maybe you didn't realize,. But I did. As soon as Carrow mentioned a Tinsley you noticed her mood change and so did I." He explained to me quietly.

My head snapped at him. "What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath. "I know she is the last Tinsley and so do you. You cared enough to get her out of there. You care enough to keep her safe."

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I swear to god if you tell anyone Theo I will murder you and that is a promise."

He smacked my arm off. "Mate, I am not going to tell anyone not even Pansy or Blaise. I wouldn't do that."

"You have my word." He said seriously.

I glared at him slightly but once I saw his face I knew he was serious.

"That reaction shows you care for her, so why the fuck are you being stupid right now?" He said to me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Did you ever think that maybe I just don't want an innocent girl to die because of her family's reputation?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"If it was anyone else you know sure as hell you would not care." He said as he rolled his eyes, showing he was done with my bullshit.

"Why do you care about what I think?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Because Gemini is not some normal girl. She is exactly like you. She is a complete bitch. She stands up for herself and makes it known that she is not to be messed with but you can tell that once she has a soft spot then it is never going away. You got lucky with her and I don't think you should ruin it." He explained.

I gave him a side eye and then turned my attention back to the window.

"You can't push her away." He said quietly.

"Watch me." I said to him.

He didn't respond. Instead he gave up on talking about it and turned his attention elsewhere.

Gemini Myths POV

"She's asleep." I heard Fred say as he went to touch my head in a protective way.

"Good." I heard a familiar voice say. "Can I talk to you two?"

I kept my eyes closed. Even though I was awake now I wanted to here what the familiar voice had to say.

"About what?" George said to the guy.

"Draco." He breathed out.

"Go ahead." Fred said as he kept his hand on my head.

I heard the person take a deep breath before talking. "He wouldn't come check on her. I know that is no surprise to you guys, but to me it is. I see the way he looks at her and talks to her. He truly cares about her. I think someone got into his mind and now he is scared. I don't want to see him hurt her."

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