Chapter 5

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"Wow Finn, I expected more from you." I say to Finn as I shake my head. Clarke goes down the ladder as a few seconds later Finn follows. Then Wells.

"Hey, I'm gonna rest a bit, wake me up when something interesting happens." I say to Octavia, she nods as she wipes off the sweat from Jasper's forehead with the cloth. I close my eyes as Jasper moans. I wake up to the sound of people running in, yelling and closing the door to the drop ship on the lower level.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"Airs gone thick, everybody's skin started burning." a girl says.

"Guys, my brother's out there." Octavia says.

"He'll be fine, we'll all be fine." Monty says.

"Is Jasper any better?" I ask.

"No." Octavia says.

A few hours pass and the fog still hasn't cleared. Everyone else is trying to sleep while Jasper's still moaning. Octavia and I watching over him. As I'm looking at Jasper, Monty comes up the stairs in a hurry.

"Murphy's gonna kill Jasper!" he says.

"Oh no he's not." I say as Monty climbs up and Murphy behind him. I kick Murphy as he tries to get up the ladder and Monty and I quickly close the hatch.

"The locks on the other side!" Monty says as Octavia quickly goes to find the lock.

"Don't let him in!" Octavia says. Me and Monty both sit on the hatch while Murphy's having trouble pushing it open.

"I got it!" Octavia says as she brings the lock to us and we all lock it.

"The three of you better open up this hatch right now!" Murphy yells from down below.

A few hours later, I hear the door from the drop ship open, that must mean the fog has cleared. Octavia was resting so I woke her up and told her the fog has cleared. She goes downstairs. A few minutes later Clarke and Finn come up the ladder.

"It's about time." I say.

"Sorry, the acid fog was a huge time waster." Finn says. Octavia comes up the ladder.

"Put the medicine in the water." Clarke says and Finn puts it in the water. He stirs the water as Clarke grabs a cup of water with the medicine in it and gives it to Jasper. I softly comb Jasper's hair with my fingers. He swallows the water.

"I'm really sorry about Atom." Clarke says to Octavia. I don't even know what happened between them or who Atom is. Guess I need to go out more.

"I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" Octavia responds.

"But not you. Okay Jasper. You're not allowed to die." I whisper to Jasper. We all get away from Jasper and Clarke goes downstairs. They're passing the Whiskey around.

"Smooth." Monty says after he takes a sip. Then, he starts coughing. He passes it to me.

"Pass." I say as I pass it to Octavia.

"Disgusting. Love it." She says after she takes a sip. She passes it to Finn. As he's about to drink he gets interrupted.

"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" I smile as I recognize who that voice is coming from.

"Jasper!" Monty says as we all go up to him.

"Let's start with the soft stuff." Finn says as he gives him a sip of water. Monty grabs his hands and Jasper grabs it back.

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" Jasper says.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke says as she comes up the stairs.

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