Chapter 18

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It was a long day, and I still haven't heard from anyone back in California, not even Michelle, to see if the flowers arrived there; Steven and Michelle told me Maria was working on Valentines, and even though she made it loud and clear that we we...

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It was a long day, and I still haven't heard from anyone back in California, not even Michelle, to see if the flowers arrived there; Steven and Michelle told me Maria was working on Valentines, and even though she made it loud and clear that we were over I couldn't help it. I missed her so much it hurts; seeing Luke each night was the only thing that cheered me up; his smile was just like his mother's, and it was a ray of sunshine to me.

Since it was the off-season and all I had to do was go to promo and endorsement meetings, I would take the meetings, but then I would get home to my apartment and drink. Those were how I spent my days; I would look at my pictures on my phone and stare at Maria's smile right before I fell asleep.

There was a part of me that prayed she would change her mind and that she would come back to me and I would be with her and Luke again, but as the days started to pass then it was weeks I knew that vision I was praying for was slipping further and further away, and it was driving me crazy.

When my family found out what happened, they were disappointed, but there was nothing any of us could do; Allison would come over and scold me. At the same time, she cleaned up the empty beer bottles on my counters and nag enough for both her and my mother, then the other day when she tried to come over to check on me, I was wasted trying to bring a woman in a black slutty dress home Allie put her foot down and was about to rip that woman's head off but honestly I didn't care wether she came in or not. The lady left upset, but I just walked into my place and passed out on my couch while I hear Allison's screaming at me fade out and I ended up passing out for a few hours before my alarm would go off to call Luke. I took a quick shower and tried to sober up enough because I didn't want him to see anything wrong with me; he was a good kid and it wasn't his problem to deal with the least he knows the better.

Knowing that Allison was pregnant, she was showing a lot more each day, and I tried to hide most of the things that would upset her. I didn't want to stress her out even more. But I was hurting, and I was trying to find any kind of vice that would make me forget about my misery.

My morning started off the same as every other day, I woke up, worked out with the team, and then go to the gym to meet Danny, and we would work out a bit more; I had a meeting that afternoon for an endorsement with Nike, and so I had to be on my best behavior.

They pitched ideas, and we looked at a few designs for certain things they wanted to do as a special limited-edition line for me as a welcome and anticipation for this new season with the Giants. I looked at the shoes and shirts and asked for the children's size too so I could send some for Luke.

We were done by lunch, and I got a text from Allison inviting me to an Islanders game in the next few hours; I declined. Still, she pulled her sister pregnant hormones card on me, so I just decided to show face as I made her happy for an hour or so then come back to the apartment to have a few beers before I call Luke tonight, the past 2 nights I wasn't able to talk to him because he was his grandparents and forgot his iPad.

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