The Love Potion - Fighting Back

Start from the beginning

“Hello________is someone here.” I called out, my voice echoed around the room, I waited for a reply but there was none. I then sighed in frustration; I needed to find Zoë and end this problem once and for all. Since no one had answered I went to sit in the sofa, perhaps the receptionist or whoever in charge had stepped out for a second and would return later on.

Bump bump bump bump bump

The minute my butt touched the sofa that bumping sound began, it was coming from upstairs, “Hello is someone there.” I called out again, still no reply but the bumping sound was getting louder, I decided to climb up the staircase to go and check, maybe there was someone here but they couldn’t hear me.

I went up the staircase cautiously, I wasn’t sure why I was feeling uneasy all of a sudden but it looked kind of suspicious that no one seemed to be in this place, no maids, no receptionists, where was everyone?

Bump bump bump bump.

I let the sounds direct me, the second floor of the house had a long empty hallway and rooms with numbers on them, the sound seemed to be coming from room 3.

I walked slowly towards that room, supposing those yellow eyed beasts had beaten me to this place and killed Zoë what then? The door was half closed; I leaned forward to see what was going on.

The first thing I saw was a woman with her back turned to me, it was a fairly normal room, it had a bed, and I could see the bathroom and a dressing mirror.

I spied on her some more, the bumping noise was coming from the hammer she was using to mend a broken chair, I let out a sigh of relief, for a moment there I thought I was going to walk on something gruesome. I was about to call out to her when two things happened instantly which made me change my mind.

First of all a man walked into the bedroom from the bathroom, first thing I noticed was his yellow eyes and disfigured face, it was one of the beasts. “Zoë.” He called.

The woman with the hammer turned and I could see her face.

“Holy mother of crap.” I whispered stunned, it was that yellowed eyed witch; I was in the house of the yellowed eyed witch!!! Zoë, the magic shop owner was the witch who was after me and Kevin.

I spun around and retraced my steps slowly, oh my god, I wasn’t sure what she would do if she found me here, but I don’t think she would like the fact that I knew where she lived now, I got into my car and sped off, I just prayed she didn’t see my license plate and decide to make enquiries.

As frightened as I was, I realized that I now knew where to find her and that might help me get rid of her. My plan was now clear as a day, I would kill her before she tried killed Kevin and I, of course I didn’t know the technicalities involved in killing a witch so I decided to go see the sorceress Kevin and I had visited a few days ago.

I didn’t even knock or announce my presence when I got to Gloria, the sorceress house; I just pushed the front door open and started screaming her name.

“My god Christina, you don’t just burst into someone’s home unannounced and start yelling it’s rude.” She said. She still had those hideous glasses on.

“Whatever……..I need help.” I said and invited myself into her kitchen, I was hungry.

“Go ahead and take whatever you want then.” she said sarcastically.

“How do I kill a Witch?” I asked after I had gulped down several swallows of coke.

“Well you have to be more powerful than the witch you’re fighting in order to kill her, what’s this about.” She asked coming to sit down beside me.

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