Jealousy (Hizzie)

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Lizzie gets jealous of her girlfriend spending time with Landon instead of her. Slight angst, but mostly fluff.

"Hey Lizzie," Hope says, sitting beside her, kissing her check.

"Why are you talking to me? Why not go talk to Landon?" Lizzie replies, blue eyes filled with anger.

"What do you mean? I'm with you, not him," Hope asks, reaching out and stroking Lizzie's face.

Lizzie growls and backs away from Hope, not wanting to be touched right now.

"Don't touch me. I saw you, I fucking saw you," she curses.

"We were just talking. No need to go all aggro," Hope sighs, growing angry at her girlfriend's jealousy.

She's assured her over and over that she only wants her, not Landon.

"Hey Hope! Want to go get," Landon starts, coming into the common room.

Lizzie siphons from the walls. She casts a spell so Landon is roughly thrown against the wall. The boy groans.

"Lizzie! You're hurting him!" Hope exclaims, grabbing Lizzie's arm.

"Don't care," Lizzie quips, her jealousy getting the best of her.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You know I'm with you, not Landon" Hope asks.

"Nothing," Lizzie replies, chucking Landon across the room with another spell, uncaring where he lands.

"Elizabeth! What the actual hell?" Hope growls, rushing to Landon's side.

"I see. You've made your choice. Knew it was always him. Always," Lizzie snarls before rushing away.

Hope shakes her head and helps Landon to the nurse, unsure of what has just taken over her girlfriend. Lizzie gets jealous sometimes, sure, but never like this. She goes off to find Josie, knowing the brunette may have some answers in regards to Lizzie's loss of control.

"Hi Hope. What's going on?" Josie asks.

"Lizzie just lost control and threw Landon around like a rag doll. Has she said anything to you? He's acting all weird and jealous," Hope replies.

"That's not my place to say. It's my sister's," Josie says.

"Josie, please. I need to know what's happening and she won't talk to me," Hope begs.

"Fine. She overheard Landon the other day practicing a speech to win you back. She doesn't like you hanging out with him, but refuses to say anything. Lizzie's jealous, Hope. Jealous and scared of loosing you. She's scared to tell you, but she loves you," Penelope explains.

"I.. I don't want Landon. I want Lizzie. I love her too. I was only hanging out with Landon because Lizzie's been acting all weird," Hope sighs.

"Well I suggest you go talk to her. She ran past me into the woods, murmuring something about control," Josie shrugs, knowing only Hope can fix what is going on with Lizzie.

"Got it. Thanks, Jo," Hope says, rushing after her girlfriend

She finds her pacing about, her hands still glowing from the magic she siphoned from the school's walls earlier.

"Come to break up with me, Hope?" She snaps, turning to face the tribrid.

"No. I came to talk. You need to take some deep breathes. Your loosing control, Lizzie,"

"I don't mean to. I don't mean to be this jealous. I just don't like you hanging out with your ex," Lizzie admits.

"I know. I'll stop. Come here and look at me. Let me try to calm you down," Hope begs.

The glowing in Lizzie's hands fades, and she allows his girlfriend to come closer and cup her face, resting their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being jealous," she whispers.

"No need to apologize for feeling, baby girl, but I forgive you. I would be too, if you hung out with Rafael," Hope says.

Lizzie winces at the memory of her ex. 

"Rafael was a mistake. You're all I want, Hopey, and the thought of loosing you to HIM, well it scares me," Lizzie admits.

"You're all I want to. Just me and you. I promise I have no feelings for him anymore. I just want you," Hope promises.

"Good," Lizzie smiles.

"How about we go back to my room for now and just hang out for a bit?" Hope suggests.

The blonde nods, so Hope takes her hand in hers and they head back to the school. In the hallway, they run into Landon, and Lizzie's eyes go angry once more.

"Liz. Hey. Look at me," Hope orders.

Lizzie looks at the auburn haired girl. She strokes her hair out of her eyes, and kisses her forehead.

"Just breathe. I'm going to talk to Landon for a few minutes. Go to my room. I'll be in soon," Hope instructs.

"Okay," Lizzie agrees, glaring at Landon before going into Hope's room and sitting on the bed.

"Landon. We can't hang out anymore. It's not fair to you or Lizzie. I know you still have feelings for me, but I don't love you anymore. I'm with Lizzie, and I'm happy. So we can't hang out anymore," Hope tells Landon.

"But Hope, I love you. Please be mine again," Landon begs.

"No. I don't love you, and I'm sorry if that hurts you. I can't be yours again because I'm already hers. She's my everything. Goodbye, Landon," Hope says, leaving Landon standing in the hallway.

Lizzie looks up as Hope enters the room. She smiles at her and crosses the room, pushing the siphoner onto her back. Kicking off her shoes, she lays down beside Lizzie and cuddles into her side.

"It's going to be okay, baby. I'm here. You're never going to loose me," Hope promises, kissing her girlfriend's head.

"Promise?" Lizzie asks.

"I promise. Now, want to watch some Disney?" Hope replies.

Lizzie smiles and sits up to grab Hope's laptop. They settle against the headboard of the bed and watch Mulan. About thirty minutes into the movie, Lizzie closes the laptop and places it on the floor gently. Hope raises an eyebrow in question. The blonde haired girl pins Hope to the bed, kissing her lovingly. Hope wraps her arms around Lizzie's neck, kissing her back. Lizzie kisses down the tribrid's neck, leaving several hickeys before rolling off her and pulling Hope into her arms.

"You know those are going to be gone in the morning, right?" Hope says.

Lizzie sticks her tongue out at her girlfriend, making Hope laugh. Hope casts a spell that allows hickeys to stay, regardless of supernatural healing.

"Is that better?" Hope asks.

"Much. Now everyone knows you're mine and I'm yours," Lizzie smirks.

"They already knew, baby, they already knew," Hope replies. 

From that day on, there is no doubt that they are each other's, which leaves Lizzie at peace. 

"One day," Lizzie thinks, "I'll get up the courage to tell her that I love her".

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