The beast was going to attack Mineta, and the purple idiot wasn't moving! Koda tries to talk to it and have it calm down, but it wasn't responding. He was going to get crushed! I use my quirk and run to his side and carry him away from the beast.

"(Y/N)!" Izuku comes to our side; we both look at the monster, trying to figure out why Koda wasn't able to calm it down. "It's made out of clay!" he finally says.

"(Y/N)! You're like a Goddess! My Goddess!" Mineta hugs my leg and rubs his head on it. That was beyond uncomfortable!

"Dude! Get off!" I yell at him while shaking him off my legs.

Todoroki, Tenya, and Bakugo attack the clay beast. Todoroki freezes him to stop his movement, while Tenya attacks him with his mighty fast kicks, and of course, Bakugo goes full out and explodes a piece of him while yelling, "DIE!"

Izuku makes the final attack, and the beast goes down. 

I go up to Bakugo and smirk, "You know? I actually love it when you yell out that stuff." I nudge him with my elbow. He looks at me and scoffs with that lovely smirk of his.

"You were amazing, Bakugo!" Kirishima comes over and tells him, that's when he shushes us, and we look in the direction of the noise, and we see more beasts. A lot more.

"This forest is probably filled with them." I comment.

"How many are there!?" Kaminari says, looking around.

"We have to get there by noon, guys! Or we won't get lunch." Sato reminds us.

"Then we will just have to take the shortest route out of here while getting rid of these guys!" Momo says, and we all get ready to fight.

"All right! Let's go, Class A!" Tenya yells, like the class representative he is, and we all yell back our approval!

We all move together, and we work together to take down the beasts. We use our quirks to work out the best plan to deal with all kinds of beasts. They were flying ones, crawling ones, giants ones! I mean, they were all huge, but some were extra big.

Sero took down a flying one with his tape, and Kirishima and Sato helped finish it off. They didn't realize another one was behind them. "Tenya! Let's get that one." I yell out to him since he was close by. "I'll match your speed and distract him while you get his leg." he nods, and we go for it.

I run up to it and fire short laser beams at his eyes quicker than I've ever done. It was like rapid fire. My lights were coming off as Blue-Violet due to my concentration and seriousness. I have never pushed myself to make more than two beams simultaneously, and the speed has never been like this. 

It was a new technique that spurred out of quick thinking and the need to act fast. My arms start to hurt; I felt the pain in my muscles and bones! Tenya goes for his attack when he sees the beast stop in its tracks. He uses his Recipro burst and smashes its leg. My attacks stop when a sharp pain was felt in my right arm.

Even though the beast had a busted leg, it still had the ability to attack, and since his eyes are functioning again, he found an opening to attack.

I look up and find him swinging his arm towards me. "(Y/N)! Watch out!" Tenya yells out, runs towards me, picks me up, and gets both of us out of the way before the beast gets us. I was stunned for a moment; he easily scooped me up and ran out of the way... like I was a feather.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" he asks me, and that's when I notice the position I was in. I was in Tenya's arms, and I was really close to him. But another thing I noticed was his physique... My hands were around his neck, and the amount of muscle and shoulder I found was something I never expected.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat