Season 2 (Proposal?)

Start from the beginning

The lady nodded "Where?" I looked around but she just looked torward a basket in the middle of the floor Mary walked over and flipped the sheet off "Drunk as a skunk".

"Oh Sebastian" she tried shaking him, "Bash wake up" he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at us all his smile soon turned into a frown "Mary honey, you don't want to get mixed up with the likes of him" "I do" I heard from beside, I chose to ignore to the best of my abilities.

"Hes a drunkard!" "I'm not a drunkard I'm heartbroken" Mary bent down sitting beside the basket.

"It's not what you thought" "That man you saw was Mary's son" she moved bak a bit from Bash almost like she was scared of what he would say "Her son? Your son?" Bash stared at her "Does that mean you can marry me?" Mary's eyes shot over to him quickly "Marry you?" she leaned in kissing him.

The ladies around us started clapping, I just smiled, she stood and I tried to help Bash out of his basket "What're are you doing here Blythe?" "Oh, I guess I have a wedding gift for you" I reached into my bag pulling out the papers.

"This is the deed to the farm" I held it to him "I'd like you to sign onto it because you're my partner. My family. I want you to have a stake in the land, fair and square" he smiled at me "we're in this together" I nodded a smile also forming a=on my face "We are, oh and I'm sorry. I'm not changing the plan" he put out his hand in front of me, I shook it sealing the deal.

We both had large smiles on our face, I pulled him in and he patted my back in a hug. Business partners and family, you know they sau to never mix business and personal but I think they're wrong. It's the perfect mix.

Okay, Plan B. Aunt Josephines to tell them how out plan failed, we walked up knocking on the door to have Rollings open it "How did the madcap caper go?" we all sighed looking down.

Well not well, if that helps you picture it, he invited us inside where we sat with Cole, Aunt Josephine, and Rollings stood off to the side.

"My my my this is a dreadful turn of events" "What are you going to do?" Cole asked "I might be out of ideas" Anne said, they all turned to me with a hoepful gleam in their eyes, trust me, I was wraking my brain hard. "I-I'm trying to think I just can;t come up with something viable or doable" I sighed in frustration.

The hope left them "But you're never out of ideas!" Ruby said looking between us "Ahem" Rollings handed her a hankercheif, how did he- you knwo what, I don't want to know.

"It's all my fault again" Moody was saying but I barely listened, I looked around something sparkeled catching my eye, I looked over seeing a lighbulb in the fixture above us, my eyes widened as I continued searching the room.

'No, thats terrible don't eve-' the lights turning on stopped my train of thoughts. All around of the room lit up with Aunt Josephine standing by the switch she looked at me with a small smile on her face before turning to Rollings "Rollings do we have any ladders?" confusion spread across the others faces while my own face lit with happiness.

I stood up, the others following shortly after they had grasped what she was implying, with that we were off, Rollings helped get the higher ones and handed them down while we placed them all in safe areas.

We went around the house collecting as many as we could Anne and I took some from the living room before looking upstairs as well.

"Do you think our plan will work?" I asked as I took another one from a nearby lamp "I'm confident it will. We can accomplish great things when we put our minds together and I think we've done just that" I nodded.

Not long after we were running back to the train, this time not to hop a freight thankfully, I held the box of bulbs in my hands as I ushered everyone but Anne on to the train.

"Here I can take that" Gilbert said grabbing the box, I smield nodding "Thank you" I spotted our last member and waved him over, "We'll miss it come on" but he didn't move as Anne stepped on the first step, "Cole?" she asked "I'm not going back, my eyes widened and I walked torwards him, Anne not far along "What do you mean?" I asked "Aunt Jo said I could live with her" "but your family" Anne said quietly "I know. But I can be free here! Myself, I need to be who I am" the train sounded for us once again.

Anne gave him a tight hug, I did the same, tears were ready to stream down my face as the three of us pulled from each other, I could tell it did just the same to Anne. "Go, this is good!" I turned back pulling Anne with me, we sat down seeing the others looking out the window as well.

Sadness, a sheen over their faces. I pulled Anne into me hugging her tightly as she cried, it would be hard without him easpecially for her this was the best I could do right now despite my own sadness.

We would make through though, and see him again I knew we would. What we need to focus on now is our plan and getting everything ready before the final vote is cast. We are coming Miss Stacy.

An: 1716 Words! I'm sorry for the
POV switch's there was just a lot
and I wanted the timeline to
match up so I had to do it this
way! Thank you so much for
1.9K Reads! We are so close to
2K its insane! I love you all and
thank you so much!As always
leave any, questions,suggestions,
comments, or concerns!

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