⁴.¹¹a date to the ball

Start from the beginning

She shook her head. "But I can head to the library with her, then when you enter, I'll leave. Sound good?"

"Brilliant. Thank you Athena."

"No problem Krum, and how'd you know my name? I don't think I told you."

"That would be because of some of my mates. They've met you, pointing you out to me when they see you." He explained. "They all fancy you, I think. They would always stare at you when you walk past, and faint when you say hi to them."

"I'm just that charming." Athena chuckled slightly, flashing him one of her grins. "Jokes, but hey, tell them I have no date to the ball yet. Maybe I can have one of them as a date. All of you blokes from Durmstrang are one fine piece of-"

"Alright Athena, I think I know where you're getting at." Krum stopped her, laughing lightly. "But thank you again. And I'll be sure to inform my friends."

───── ❦ ─────

The girl just walked out of the library, a small smirk on her face. He better not bloody muck it up, she thought.

She was now walking through the hallways by herself, her book bag slung on her shoulders. Not much had happened today, other than the fact that Ron had asked out Fleur Delacour. Well, rather yelled it out. The poor lad ran as fast as he could when realised what he just did, Athena running after him with a laugh escaping her mouth. It was sad, but terribly funny.

She plastered a smile on her face as she thought of the memory. She loved Ron like a brother, but the boy can get incredibly awkward and has no way with the ladies. Harry was also laughing so she wasn't the only one at fault here. Hermione was in the common room, who had comforted the boy as soon as he bursted in the common room flustered.

Not many students were in the hallway, as the majority of them had already gone inside their common rooms, so Athena and a minimal amount of other students had filled the hallways. She continued her walk around the place, making her way to one of the window seats, the one that she usually sits at, and pulled out a book.

Then the familiar voice of a red-head had started yelling her name. "Athena, Athena, Athena!"

Knowing who the person is, she yelled out his name as well, a smile creeping up on her face. "Georgie, Georgie, Georgie!"

"I'm bored." He slumped next to her.

"Fred's at detention?" She asked him knowingly.

He nodded. "Yep."

She sighed. "That boy really needs to learn how to be more sneaky."

The red-head laughed, agreeing. "I'm the more-sneakier one."

"Yes." She placed her book back in her bag, looking over too him, as he was now sitting beside her. "You are also the more soft one."

"Am not!" The boy stood up, looking over at her. " I'm the more-manly twin!"

She laughed again. She then stood up on the window seat, and pinched both his cheeks as if he were a baby. "George Fabian Weasley, you are one of the softest, adorablest boys I have ever met."

The boy became flustered. In one swift motion, he removed her hands on his cheeks, held her on each side of her waist and laid her down softly on the stone sill. Looking down on her, he started tickling her. "Am I still the softer one?"

Athena's vivacious laugh filled the hallway, the few people in the hall looking towards the two. Athena tried to speak in between her laughs. "Ye- s-"

Managing to get out of his grip, she grabbed her bag and ran. "Come back here!"

"No!" She yelled back with a smile.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to catch up to her, he grabbed his wand. "Accio Athena's bag!"

Out of instinct, Athena held her bag tightly as she felt it being taken away from her. However, her body seemed to have been dragged with it, as she was now moving backwards. She turned around, then crashed into someone, the two of them falling down on the floor. Her bag had flown over to the side, Athena had fallen on top of the red-head.

Athena's eyes had widened as she realised their position, George becoming even more flustered. "Bloody hell, doll. If you wanted to be on top of me, you could've said so." George tried to regain himself, plastering a smirk on his face.

Going along with his flirting, she also smirked. "Where's the fun in that... doll."

This had caught the boy off guard. Merlin, his heart was beating as fast a snitch could fly. His cheeks had become even more flustered, practically turning into the colour of his hair. A silence peaked between the two as their eyes connected. His chocolate eyes staring into her serene grey ones.

No words were exchanged between them, as they were both lost in each others eyes, and speechless as they were now currently in this position. The thing that tore their eyes apart was the sound of coins being exchanged. Athena looked up, much to the boy's disappointment, as he had tilted head up. Professor McGonagall had just received a few galleons from Professor Dumbledore.

"Erm- did you two bet on us?" Athena asked. Dumbledore nodded, a twinkle in his eye as he started walking away, but not before saying, "young love" under his breath.

McGonagall had a smirk on her face, but had turned into a straight face as she cleared her throat. "Now, I understand that young love is amongst students your ages," Athena was as red as Natasha's hair and George felt the temperature of his face becoming hot, "but please do so somewhere that is not in the middle of the hallways." The older witch walked away, but not before sending Athena a wink and mouthing "I told you so".

As the hallway was now empty, Athena had stood up, then helping George up. You could feel the awkward tension between the two, but they ignored it. Athena picked her bag up, then started walking next to the boy as they made their way back to the common room. "Well then..."

"That was..." George trailed off, looking up to the ground to look at Athena.

"Go to the Yule Ball with me?"
"Go to the Yule Ball with me?"

The two of them asked in unison, facing each other. Both their eyes had widened, laughing as they realised that they had the same exact idea. Athena had walked closer to him, going on the tip of her toes as she wrapped her arms around his neck- hugging him. "You stole my line."

"You stole my-" George stopped, before looking down at her. He smiled gladly, wrapping his own arms around her waist. "Yes, I think I will."


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