"Like who?" Jung-Hoon choked out.

"Like your grandparents. They may have raised you, feed you, clothed you, but your parents, your mother and father who are currently at my sanctuary with your brother, are the ones who love you. You're more like them." Yoona's words caused Jung-Hoon to stare at her, moving until he was standing over top of her, his hands moving to her throat, squeezing slightly, her eyes widening in alarm. 

"My parents are dead." Jung-Hoon whispered, his hands tightening.

"No there not." Yoona choked out, her hands coming up to try and pull his wrist away from her. "I can take you to them."

"They died. They said... they said they died to get away from me." Jung-Hoon's eyes shifted, looking over Yoona in panic. 

"They escaped." Yoona pulled his hands away enough to take needed gulps of air. "They escaped your grandparents. They went looking for Jungkook because they sold him, as if his life means less for being a hybrid."

Jung-Hoon's chest heaved, rising and falling harshly; "They died because they didn't want me."

"Let me take you to them." Yoona offered again, removing his hands from around her throat, taking them to hold as she spoke to him. "I can get you to them, I can walk you into my sanctuary, I can give you the chance to meet your parents again and I can help you to live happily with your mate."

"I wish I could do that." Jung-Hoon breath came out shaky, Yoona noticed he was trying to hold back tears. "They'll never want me around, the things I've done, to hybrids like them... they'll never want me."

"You don't know that." Yoona spoke softly and quickly to the man who was now crying. "Parents are easy to read, easy to talk to when you need it most. And from what I've heard about your parents, they are very kind people."

Jung-Hoon stared at Yoona a little longer, allowing the quiet to settle over them before speaking again; "You haven't meet them yourself yet, have you?"

"I've been a little out of it lately." Yoona gestured around to where they were currently situated, the jarring sound of the hospital hitting them again, the glaring reality of everything hitting Jung-Hoon full force. "But if you want to leave now, give me time to sign out of this place and we can go to them today, tonight." Yoona pointed towards the window where the sun had completely set now.

"Wow," Jung-Hoon stared down at Yoona with amazement, trying to understand what it was she could see with this woman in front of her. She would happily drop her own health and care to get him to go see his parents, to make sure he was comfortable. He could see that Yoona was more concerned with his safety and worried more about how he would be in a situation that caused him to see his own parents. "You really care about me, don't you?"

"If I'm Jungkook's mate, that makes you my family." Yoona spoke the words without blinking, telling Jung-Hoon the truth. "And if you haven't noticed, I go above and beyond for my family."

"You really believe that." Jung-Hoon continued to stare, trying to find anything that wasn't the whole truth from Yoona. "You really believe they want me around without even meeting them."

Yoona nodded, her eyes flicking towards the door at movement that caught her eye, the same beautiful mouse hybrid from the Jeon farm stood there; "I truly believe that good parents only want what's best for their children, and Jungkook wouldn't have grown up to be the man he is now without 11 years of amazing parents. I can give you the rest of your life with an amazing family if you'll let me."

"Sir," The hybrid softly called, never getting too loud and continuing to talk as Jung-Hoon's eyes never strayed from Yoona. "I'm sorry I know you said not to disturb you."

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