He scoffs at me and turns his back on me. "You don't know anything. So don't talk as if you do." he growls at me.

Are you fucking kidding me?! I was just trying to help! "I came here to give you support and wish you luck like you did for me. Why are you giving me shit for it?" I was actually shocked.

"I don't need your help. Why don't you try that Damn Nerd? I'm sure he would be desperate for your help." he still has his back turned to me.

I ball my fists and warn him. "Bakugo, this isn't funny. Why are you being like this?"

"Just leave me alone. You're being loud and annoying." that's it.

I punch him on his head and walk away from him. "That hurt, you bitch!" 

"Good!" I yell back and head back to the observation room. 

I see Deku coming out and heading to his arena. "Ah, (Y/N). Wish me luck." he smiles and runs off.  I couldn't even reply back since he was already gone. I wish him luck, but I think it was more for partnering up with Bakugo than for his test.

We all stare at the screen to watch the last test and the test that was probably the most anticipated out of all of them. All Might was loved by everyone, and Deku and Bakugo get to go against him. To witness his true power.

Maybe not his true power since he has heavyweights around his wrists and ankles, but still.

The test starts and those two were already arguing. Bakugo was just charging forward, not listening to anything Deku was saying. He didn't care. He just wanted to defeat All Might. Suddenly he pushes him away and yells at him.

I sigh and shake my head. "What's his issue with Deku?" I ask out loud.

"Bakugo doesn't really like Deku; they can't even have a conversation without Bakugo blowing up at him." Uraraka answers me.

"Ya, I've noticed. Why though? I thought he had issues with everyone, but he seems more violent with Deku." I reply.

"I don't know, honestly. I heard they were childhood friends; that's why he calls him Kacchan. But Deku doesn't really talk about it." he tells me, her eyes still on the screen. "Although, he still cares a lot for Bakugo, and he sees him as his best friend. It's Bakugo that has the problem, I guess."

The history is deep here. It won't be easy to know the real issue with just gossip that could be and could not be true. I turn to Kirishima and try my luck there. "Kirishima, has Bakugo ever spoken to you about Deku?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "No way, Deku is a taboo subject with Bakugo. Never bring that up around him."

"Oh... That could have been nice to know a few minutes ago."

"Don't tell me you spoke of Deku before the match?" he asks me.

"I couldn't help it. He was his partner; I didn't know it was taboo." I lift my hands as surrender.

"Well, you are lucky to be alive, honestly." he laughs and pats my shoulder.

"Oh no! Deku!" Uraraka yells, and we all look at the screen to find Deku stuck under a railing.

Bakugo was charging at All Might, but the Pro-Hero meets him halfway and punches him in the stomach, making him throw up. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand out of fear and worry for him.

"O-Oi... is this allowed?" I couldn't help but ask. I look towards Recovery Girl, but she doesn't even bat an eye.

"All is allowed, as long as the students stay alive." she answers me normally.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now