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this happened on 25 February, a day after the release of the news

in the conference room in YGE building

"File a case against Disp*tch" I said calmly to the board who looked at me shocked.

"But we're talking about Jennie and Jiyong here. Didn't they betray you?" One of them asked. 

"I may have gotten hurt but their image and reputation are on the line here and without them, this entertainment may have been buried in the depths of this industry. BIGBANG and BLACKPINK are the pillars of this company. Plus, that paparazzi company is invading their privacy which is the only thing that's keeping every idol out there still sane from this crazy line of work." 

"Okay, but who would file the case?" Another member asked. I looked at my personal lawyer and friend, Leo.

"Oh hell no! You know I won't do that for them after what they did to you." He shook his head.

"If he doesn't want to, there are other lawyers we could hire." Someone suggested.

"No offense but Leo here is the only person in this industry who will be able to defend this case. I trust him and his expertise and craft. Our main goal here is to stop that company from doing this incident again to any idols. They could still work but they should respect the rights of these idols and celebrities. So, will you?" I looked at Leo and he sighed and nodded.

"Fine but just because you asked. Favoritism sucks." I laughed and ended the meeting. 

in Aster's house

I went straight back home but not forgetting to drive to Mcdonalds. When my house was in sight, I saw that the lights are open. 

Strange. Only 5 people know about my home security.

I called Tristan and Ryujin to ask if they're at my house but they said they aren't. 

"No babe, I'm at practice right now. Do you want me to go there or call the police?" Wonho asked.

"It's fine, go on and finish your practice then rest well." I stepped out of my car while still on the phone with Hoseok.

"Call me if you need anything okay? I love you." He said.

"Okay, okay. I love you too." I hung up then walked the steps of my house. I walked up to my living room and saw Jennie's back.

"Jennie? What are you doing here?" I asked while placing my bag and food on the kitchen island. She turned around and I saw her eyes.

"Are you crying?" My sister instincts kicked in. I should be avoiding her like a plague and forgetting that we're friends and even members but seeing her in that state struck me. She ran to me, kneeled in front of me, and hugged my legs. I instantly removed her arms around me and asked her to stand up.

"Talk, Jennie." I said sternly. 

"I-i-i'm s-s-so-sor-rry, u-u-un-ni-e." She said crying but I kept my composure.

"I know what I did is something unforgivable. I would understand if you don't want to talk to me. I'm a very horrible friend and your forgiveness is I'm for sure I will never receive. It's disturbing but I don't have any reason for what I did. I guess I got blinded by my feelings and confessed to Jiyong. I just want to say, I'll accept whatever you want to do with me. You could ask me to leave the group, badmouth me, diss me, slap me, I'll accept it." She spoke with her head down.

"Raise your head." I said coldly and she followed. I took a seat at the chair in my kitchen island, opened the bag of fries I bought, then ate. Jennie thought that I don't have anything to say to her that she started walking to the door.

"I didn't tell you to leave." She walked back in front of me and looked at me, her eyes are now red from crying.

"I'll admit. I'm hurt. I want to say a lot of bad things to you. I want to curse at you, slap you in the face, but I decided not to do that. Not because I'm selfless but I think of what would the people say. The two most important people in my life, betraying me, neglecting my past. You knew, out of all people, that I would have died because of that heartbreak I felt. You did the exact same thing my ex-friend did to me. When I knew about your relationship, I wanted to leave the group because I don't want to work with traitors and fake friends but guess what, I didn't do it." I said crying then continued. 

"If I still had feelings for Jiyong, I would've done unimaginable things to you two. But because I'm already over it, I didn't do it. I'm happy with Hoseok and I want to spend my life with him and my relationship with Jiyong is already a past I have forgotten. I would let this go but you have a long way to go to earn back my and the members' trust and honesty. I told you this before, honesty, trust, and friendship are what make our group stronger and better and you broke all these. I don't know how will the members treat you after this. They may support you, help you but it's different with me. You need to earn back your friendship with me again."

"I'll do it! If that's what it takes for you to forgive me, I'll do it. You're a big part of my life unnie and I couldn't live without you in it." I nodded then went back to eating.

"Just so you know, the next songs I will be releasing in a few months' time will be subtly be directed to you because of this. This is not something to be easily forgotten about."

"I'll take it as long as you forgive me! I'm very sorry unnie. Starting from now, I'll do what it takes to be your friend and sister again." I nodded then offered the burger I bought to her and told her to eat. 

"Disp*tch is getting sued by the company for invading your privacy and I was the one who thought of it." She looked at me with wide eyes.

"But not because of you." She nodded and went back to eating. Silence fell in between us as we continue to eat. After she left my house, I called Wonho and told him about what happened.

"I'm proud of you for facing her so bravely."

"Cause I know that facing a problem by being wild is not the answer." I shrugged. We continued talking for a bit before ending the call.

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