Can't Even Think Straight {23}

Start from the beginning


                “Omph!” I choked out as I spun and had Evan launch against me. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a goofy grin.

                “Good morning!” he said cheerfully.

                “Good morning,” I said, leaning down and kissing him.

                I straightened up and kept my calm composure as I saw Rory approaching. He stepped up to us and regarded me before giving me a nod in greeting.

                “Hello Sebastian,” he said.

                “Hi Rory,” I said, forcing a smile. I didn’t want Evan to think there was anything wrong. There was nothing for Evan to worry about. I wasn’t going to hurt him.

                Evan watched us suspiciously before grabbing my hand and dragging me away towards our lockers. I mentally sighed, but let him pull me.

                “What did you and Rory talk about yesterday?” he demanded.

                I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. He wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me back.

                I pulled away from his lips and rested my forehead against his, looking into his eyes deeply. I could see that hypnotized look appearing on his face.

                “We didn’t talk about anything, Evan. Let it go?” I asked him with a charming smile.

                “Nothing. You guys didn’t talk about anything. I’ll let it go,” he said, still lost in my eyes. “He has an ugly name anyways. Ugly name, ugly face. Don’t even care what he said. Just don’t want you to be upset.”

                I paused before smiling softly and kissing him. He cared, even if he seemed like he didn’t. And I knew he cared about Rory, too.

                Although, I didn’t get why he kept saying Rory was ugly. He really wasn’t that bad looking. Oh well. At least I didn’t have to be jealous of Rory, like Evan was jealous of Murph.

                “Come on, let’s go to our lockers,” I said, breaking our eye contact and taking Evan’s hand in mine.

                “So are we still hanging out afterschool today and having sex?” Evan asked. His eyes widened and he slapped his free hand over his mouth. “I didn’t mean sex,” he said, pulling his hand away from his mouth slowly. “I meant…uh…yea, I meant sex. Can we just fuck right here? Ew, never mind. We’d get diseases. God only knows what’s on the floor of this school. So I guess your bed will have to do. Your bed is comfortable, after all. We should do it while eating your mom’s cooking. Is that weird? Nah, it would be weird if I wanted to do it with your mom. Oh ew, why did I even say that? Sometimes I don’t even know why I talk. So, yea, we’ll h-”

                I put a hand over his mouth and sighed, pulling him into a hug. “If I kiss you, will you shut up?” I asked.

                Evan nodded obediently and I smiled and kissed him. I pulled away and grabbed his hand, taking him to his locker and kissing him again before walking across to mine.

                We exchanged our stuff before heading to class. When lunch time came, I sat down and waited patiently for Evan and Rory.

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