Let It Bleed: Final Part

Start from the beginning

You enter the hospital, and immediately, the receptionist is on alert.

"Are you okay?" she asks and rushes over to you to help.

"Well, I'm kind of in labor. So, no, I'm not," you whimper in pain.

"Nurse!!" she calls out, and there are already three of them on their way over to help.

One of them has a wheelchair, and you take a seat in it. They know they can check you in later, so they immediately wheel you off to the maternity ward to get you settled before getting you set up in hospital gowns, IVs, and all that goodness. Another contraction washes over you, and you arch your back against the hospital bed as you let out a semi-loud cry of pain. The nurses work to get you to calm down as they check your vitals and call for the OB. She enters already ready to go, and she smiles sympathetically when she sees you.

"Hello, I am Dr. Miranda Grayson. What is your name?"

"Y/N Singer."

"Well, Y/N, looks like you're in active labor. While my nurses check you out, I will check to see how many centimeters you are dilated, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever you have to do," you nod eagerly.

She snaps on some latex gloves and takes a seat at the foot of the bed. She helps slide your feet into the stirrups before lifting the hospital gown. She does her check up with her fingers, but you're not the least bit concerned about how it feels–not when it doesn't even compare to the contractions you're having. She pulls away moments later and takes off her gloves.

"Well, I can say you're only two centimeters right now. We don't administer the epidural until you're about four or five, so all we have to do now is wait, unfortunately. Our nurses will come in and do regular check ups to make sure you're comfortable, but right now, it's all about the waiting. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay," you nod.

The contractions die down, so you just relax in your bed with a shaky sigh.

"Do you have anyone we can call?"

"Yeah, I am going to call the dad now. He'll be here soon, hopefully," you chuckle.

"Okay, please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns."

Dr. Miranda Grayson and the nurses shuffle out of the room, and you grab your phone from the bag they put all of your belongings in. You immediately dial Dean, but it goes straight to voicemail. You're fed up with this right now, so you try it again but get the same results. When you call for the third time, you let it go to voicemail so you can leave one.

"Dean Winchester, you better answer the damn phone right now! My water broke and I am in active labor. I don't know how long this is going to last, but I need you here with me. This might be a long labor, but I can't do this alone. I'm sorry things are rough with Lisa and Ben right now, but I need you with me. Your daughter is coming very soon, and I'd like for her dad to be here when she arrives. I'm at the Sioux Falls Memorial Hospital, room 4113. Please get here as soon as possible."

You hang up the phone with a groan and dial Sam next. Maybe he might answer, but you're getting nothing from him as well. What the hell are they doing? Is Lisa and Ben okay? The next person you call is your dad, and he thankfully answers the call.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.

"I'm only dilated two centimeters, and they refuse to give me any drugs until I reach four or five, so I'm stuck with these uneven contractions," you laugh bitterly. "Have you gotten ahold of Dean yet?"

"No, he's not answering."

"Yeah, he's not answering me either," you sigh sadly. "I really want him here with me, and I'm not talking about just for the birth. I want him here with me always."

"I know you do," he sighs painfully.

He hates hearing you cry, and he's going to give Dean the worst talk he's ever had to give if it means he mans up and deals with his feelings for you.

"Just hang in there, Y/N. I'll make sure he gets to you in time."


You had a feeling this is going to be a very long labor. You've been at this hospital for almost ten hours, and you've only dilated one centimeter, making it a grand total of three. You've heard some of the nurses talking that if you go a few more hours without expanding more, then they are going to call an emergency c-section. While you have no problem with that, Dean still isn't here. You've called him two dozen times and left just about as many voicemails telling him to get his ass over to you.

Your contractions hurt like a bitch, but you've been pretty good at determining when they are going to come. You have your magic to thank for that as it puts your body in a tingling mess right before it happens. Then, you can prepare your body for the massive pressure it's giving to itself to prepare you for the baby. Childbirth is nothing like you expected, but at the end of this all, you'll get to meet your little girl. Just thinking about holding her in your arms is enough to bring you to tears that you almost don't notice the nurse knocking and entering your room.

"Sorry," you sniffle and wipe away your tears.

"Still no dad?"

"He's on his way," you white-lie.

"How are your contractions?"

"You know, I thought they were going to hurt just a little bit more. I mean, don't get me wrong, they hurt like a fucking bitch, but I thought it was going to be more," you chuckle.

She walks over to you and checks how your heart is doing with her stethoscope, and she smiles when she hears nothing unusual about it.

"You want the ugly truth?" she asks.

"What?" you wonder.

"Just wait until you get the epidural shot, if you choose to have it. I have three kids, and let me tell you, nothing breaks in childbirth like searing pain and the feeling like you're going to die."

"That's not at all reassuring," you chuckle nervously. "I've been through a lot and I can take pain. I just don't want to do it alone."

"Well, let's hope the father shows up. You still have a long way to go, but hopefully, it speeds up."

"What's your name?"

"Ashley Brian. I'll be the nurse checking in on you."

"Okay," you nod.

Suddenly, the door opens and Dean rushes into the room.

'"Dean?" you ask with tears in your eyes.

"I'll be back later," Ashley says and leaves you two alone.

He rushes to your side and grabs your hand as he takes a seat next to your bed.

"I thought you weren't going to make it."

"And miss the birth of my child? Never. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere," he says.

"She's finally coming, Dean. She's going to be here soon," you cry happily.

"I know," he smiles widely.

You relax in your bed knowing everything is going to be fine since Dean is here. He brushes stray hairs away from your face tenderly as he thinks about what he went through with Ben and Lisa. They aren't going to be a problem anymore... he had to cut them out of his life if he wanted to protect them. A demon got to Lisa and possessed her, and she almost didn't make it. He had Castiel get rid of him in their memories so they can finally move on and be happy without him.

He should be sad that his son is gone, but he's not. Well, he is, but not as much as he should be. He's finally making a decision, and it's you. It's always been you whether he saw it or not. He is going to have a daughter very soon, to experience the firsts he missed with Ben. And what's better is that he gets to experience them with you. You're the woman he was meant to be with... the woman who accepts him for who he is and how he lives... the woman who is the reason why he gets out of bed in the morning.

He doesn't want to play around anymore. He wants to make things right with you, and he finally knows how.

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