Lissy- "Geez! I'm here. No need to get so angry."

Dad- "I will be angry if you keep up with that attitude Allyssa."

Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- "Unless you want to lose your phone for the day. Lose the attitude."

Lissy- "Sorry," Not meaning it, but I don't want to lose my phone.

Dad- "Hurry up and finish your breakfast."

Lissy- "Okay"

-After school-

Lissy- I plopped myself down in my Dad's office. He just picked me up from school and had sent me into his office to do homework. A few minutes later, I hear him come in and sit down at his desk. I look up, and sure enough, he was sitting at his desk working. Why is school work so dull? I wish I didn't have to do school work.

Danny- "Hey Lissy....what's that on your neck."

Lissy- "Huh"?

Danny- " That mark on your neck."

Lissy- "There's no mark on my neck." Shoot! The concealer must have rubbed off when I was at school.

Steve- "What mark"? I asked, getting up

Lissy- " Nothing, Dad," I said, putting my hand on my neck

Danny- "There is a mark on her neck, Steve."

Steve- I walked over to where Lissy was sitting and asked her, "Let me see your neck."

Lissy- "There is nothing on my neck. Uncle Danny is just saying nonsense stuff."

Steve- "Lissy, move your hand off your neck and let me see."

Lissy- "There is nothing on my neck"!

Steve- "If there is nothing on your neck, you should have no problem then with showing me seeing your neck."

Lissy- "I don't have to do anything. There is nothing on my neck"!

Steve- "Allyssa, move your hand. Now"

Lissy- "No"

Steve- "Now"

Lissy- I rolled my eyes and moved my hand. "See nothing."

Steve- "That big mark is nothing, Allyssa. What is it"?

Lissy- " It's just a burn."

Steve- "From what"?

Lissy- " From the straightener. I burned myself this morning when I straightened my hair."

Steve- "If I recall, you had your hair tied up this morning when you came down for breakfast."

Lissy- Crap!

Steve- "So I know for a fact that you didn't straighten your hair this morning."

Lissy- "I...I..did."

Steve- "You did"?

Lissy- " Uh-huh.."

Steve- "Then explain this to me, why when I went back upstairs, I didn't see it sitting on your counter in the bathroom. Don't tell me that you decided to put it away after you used it while still warm.

Danny- " You know that's a fire hazard."

Lissy- "Shut up"

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett, you don't tell an adult to shut up."

Lissy- "You do"

Steve- "Don't test me, Allyssa. You are to apologize to Danny."

Lissy- "Why should I"?

Steve- "Allyssa"!

Lissy- " Sorry," I said, rolling my eyes

Steve- "Apologize one more time and do it correctly. If you say it with any attitude, you can say goodbye to your phone for a week"

Lissy- "But.."

Steve- "I mean it, Allyssa."

Lissy- "Sorry, Uncle Danny."

Danny- "Apology accepted," I said, then leaving Steves's office.

Steve- I stood there watching Lissy as she apologized to Danny. When Danny left, I asked Lissy, "I will ask you one more time, and I want the truth."

Lissy- I looked at him. I could tell he doesn't have much patience left.

Steve- "Where did you get that mark on your neck."

Will Lissy confess or will she keep lying to Steve???

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