"I'm alive. More than I expected. So I guess I'm great to say the least."

"We're gonna find a way outta here. The Brain over there is trying' to hack into there computer system." He releases me and points to the boy from before.

He sits in the far right corner with his eyes closed. He sports a look of deep concentration. "How is he going to do that?"

"He explained the whole thing to me while you were asleep." He says. "He can control computers with his brain and any information he needs he just thinks about the question and the answer just sort of appears in his brain. Hence the name 'The Brain'"

"That's impossible." I blurt out.

"It's very possible." He retorts. "I can do stuff too. Remember last night? I nearly killed a guy just by thinking' about it."

"It's been a whole day?"

"Yeah, you've been sleeping for over twelve hours but you got here after both of us."

I begin to think about the events of last night. The thing that defeated all three of us, the guy with the electricity hands. I knew the face so well but I couldn't tell who exactly it was. It is someone I know, I'm sure of it. Someone that scares the living hell out of me. I push the thought away and think about the boy's leg, last night it was in horrible condition. "How is his leg?" I look over to the boy.

"He's fine. When we woke up his leg was all fixed and stitched up." He glances over to him. "Call him Chip, like microchip. His real name is Brandon but no one calls him that."

"I'm going to go talk to him." I stand up and begin to walk over to him but Brian grabs my arm.

"He's been doing that for three hours, I tried talking to him once and he had to start all over again."

Almost on queue, Chip looks up from his daze. "It's not working. I think they are blocking it somehow." He looks at me. "You're finally awake. Good thing, I was getting tired of lover boy talking about you. When is she gonna wake up? Is she gonna wake up? Why isn't she awake yet? I want to talk to her!" He mocks Brian's voice.

I laugh a bit, although I immediately stop when Brian glares at me.

"It's great to finally meet you." He smiles and extends his hand for me to shake.

When I reach to shake his hand, he shoots back and hits the wall. "What?" I jump back a bit as well.

"You didn't feel that?" He slowly gets back up.

"I didn't feel anything."

"It was like a huge wave of power. It was amazing actually." The look on his face is a mixture of shock and curiosity. He walks back towards me and takes my hand. He closes his eyes and goes back into the coma like state he was in a few minutes ago. He stays like that for a few minutes until he opens his eyes again. "We're in a government testing facility. It's used for war training. It is also the base of a new experiment; The Fear Experiment. It a project designed to test the limits of those with inhuman powers like telekinesis, telepathy, technopathy, electrification, and many more." He releases my hands and they drop to my sides.

"Did I help you do that?" I say quietly.

"You did most of it." He looks at me again with the same astonished look. "Your power is so great you can enhance the power of others."

"I don't have any powers; I have never done anything out of the ordinary like use a computer with my mind or throw things with a thought or whatever it is that Brian does."

"You just never tried."

"I never thought there was any reason to."

"Well now you do, try." He encourages.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Try and talk to me with your mind. I did that a few weeks ago and it was epic."

Am I doing it?

Yeah! How did you do that so quickly?

I don't know I just did.

Even when you talk in my head, I feel an unspeakable amount of power.

I don't feel anything that I don't usually feel.

Try and talk to Brian.

I turn my attention to Brian. Does it work for you too?

Brian nearly has a heart attack when he hears the sound of my voice in his head. "How did you do that?"

It just happens.

"Stop it!" He yells.

Hey, calm down.

"Cut it out!"

"Sorry, it's just really fun." I laugh.

"Well it isn't fun to me!" Brian shouts again.

"What's the big deal?"

"Sorry, it's nothing. My nerves are just shot, that's all."

A bright, blinding light invades the dark room, as the door swings open. Three people walk in, two men and a woman. The two men are wearing identical suits and stare at the ground; one has a taser gun and the other two have no weapons. I recognize one of the men, it is my ex boyfriend Tyler. I latch onto Brian's arm and hide behind him. Tyler and I broke up because he was abusive and almost killed me. "What is it?" Brian asks me, alarmed.

"It's Tyler." I say

He curses under his breath and clenches his hands into fists. Brian stomps over to him. "Can I help you?" Tyler smirks.

"You pathetic piece of shit!" Brian cuffs Tyler in the face so hard he goes flying into the wall behind him.

Tyler gets back up and points his hands at Brian. Shots of electricity shoot out of them. Brian dodges them. "I don't know what you're talking about." Tyler lies.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Brian raises his own hands and Tyler slumps to the ground with his hands on his head.

"Okay, I know what you're talking about! Just stop!" Tyler begs.

Brian drops his hands, which is a mistake. Tyler gets back up as if what just happened was nothing. His hands shoot back up and this time the shock does not miss Brian. I scuttle to Brian's side, I place my hand one his neck to check for a pulse, there is none. It seems almost as if my own heart stops, I stand up completely emotionless. At first, I just stand there and stare at Tyler. Chip comes up from behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. I think about pushing it off but before I can do anything, he goes flying into the wall behind us. The lights begin to flicker on and off while my hair blows in impossible wind. A tornado forms in front of me and it spins uncontrollably towards Tyler. I hear an ear-piercing scream before a bolt of lightning is shot into the tornado. Am I doing this?

Brian! Wake up, please wake up!

"That's not going to bring him back to life!" The woman yells through the storm.

"Shut up!" I yell to her. "Brian, please! You can't leave me, not now!" Tears begin to run down my cheeks as reality set in. I sink to my knees and the tornado stops. "Brian..." I whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere." His eyes dart open.

He jumps up and glares at Tyler. Tyler starts to scream again but this time Brian doesn't stop, he just keeps going, and I don't try to stop him. Only after five minutes Brian lowers his hands and takes a deep breath. "If you ever touch her again, I will fry your brain until there's nothing left!"

"Just wait." Tyler grins. "You wont be thinking that for long."

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