A story that needs titling, but I want you to read it and tell me what you think

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As I was climbing I heard a cry, “Help me!  Please help me!  Juliet please it has my leg!” It was Jackson.  One of the creatures had taken a hold of Jackson’s ankle with its teeth.  I tried to think of what I could possibly do to help him, but my mind had gone completely blank.  I was in fight or flight mode, and as much as I hate to admit it I was really only thinking about my own safety.  And that delay of what I was going to do cost my brother his life.  The next thing I knew I heard a sickening crunch.  My brother cried out as the creature broke his ankle with a simple tightening of its jaw.  My brother only being five years old couldn’t take the pain and let go of the branch to try to cradle his ankle.  That seemed to have been exactly what the creature wanted, because what I ended up seeing next will most definitely haunt me for the rest of my life.  The creature reached out its three fingered hand and stuck it into my brother’s chest.  It seemed to find what it wanted and pulled out my brother’s heart, ate it, proceeded to rip open my brother’s stomach, and stuck its face into it to start eating.  I screamed.  It seemed like the only sensible thing to do.  I started running again.  My vision was blurred with tears, but I had to try to keep running or I would end up like the rest of my family, and probably what the rest of the city was like.  Dead.  Everything was dead.  I continued running, but as I was the sight of my brother being only five years old and being killed like that scared me.  But I had to keep running.  Running for him.


The world had become eerily silent again, and I was worried that I would run into one of the creatures again.  I looked around myself to find that I was back in the park.  I swear the way I seemed to be running in circles only put me more on edge.  I decided to take a seat where I had fallen asleep earlier to try to think of ways that I could hopefully make it out of here.  Now that I thought about it though, what was it like outside of this city?  For all I knew it could be the exact same scenario, maybe even worse.  I was starting to worry myself sick.  The woods behind me seemed to beckon me to come and hide in its dark shadows, but what if that’s where an entire clan of those things was hiding?  I decided to weigh my options and came to the conclusion that going into the woods would probably be the best option I have.  How I actually came to that conclusion I’m not sure, because as I think about it, it sounds like the stupidest idea I could’ve possibly come up with.  I got up, and for the first time noticed that the wind had started blowing.  I hadn’t realized that the wind had completely stopped before, but now that it had picked up again I realized.  Instead of this being a comfort to me this instead started to reinforce that I should go and hid in the woods.

It’s funny.  I always thought that the woods would be a place of solitude.  Where you would be completely alone to think or just relax.  Now that my senses were heightened from the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins I realized it really isn’t what I thought.  There was life all around you.  I had walked until I came to a cave-like place where I decided to rest for what felt like the night time.  To be completely honest I was going on instinct on that one.  I rested my head on my arms as I thought about what I should do.  I obviously couldn’t go back unless of course I wanted my heart ripped out and my stomach eaten.  If I continued I might run into another city with the same situation.  Then again the next city might also be completely normal.  I shook my head.  This city was completely normal up until I woke up, what would make me think that I could be safe anywhere else?  Then the matter of food comes into  play also.  I’m not one of those people who know what to eat and what not to eat in the wild.  I might as well go back to the city if I give myself the chance to be poisoned.  At least that way I would die in a more horrifyingly exciting way. 

I heard a crunch and whipped my head around.  Nothing was there, it must’ve been coming from somewhere deeper into the cave.  Seeing as how I probably wasn’t going to find comfort in sleep anytime soon I headed farther into the cave.  As I went I noticed what seemed to be ancient writing on the walls of the cave.  I kind of got side tracked by them, they looked so intricate, almost like they were more paintings and pieces of artwork than ancient writing.  Then again it could have very well been artwork since I didn’t actually know for a fact that it was writing.  What really got me about this writing was that whatever it was written in, it shimmered. 

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